Chapter Twenty Six

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Story: Broken But Brave
Chapter Twenty Six: Gifting Ceremony Starts!

The supper was a noisy affair. None of the kids, including the 'big baby' as Hermione called Ron, calmed down to get their tiny (and huge, in Ron's case) hands on the gifts. Everyone ate really quickly though they spent five minutes of the meal appreciating Harry and Molly for how delicious the feast turned out to be. As soon as the plates were wiped clean, all the kids plus Ron and George hurried out of the kitchen and into the sitting room where the bright tree and the glittering gifts sat. Angelina, Fleur, Percy, Harry and Arthur stayed behind and helped Mrs Weasley clean up the table and the kitchen before making their way to the sitting room.

The sitting room was a full house. The decorations hung beautifully and brightened the whole room with a festive feel. The fireplace cackled off to the side, illuminating the room with a warm glow. George was playing Father Christmas. As soon as he noticed the new entrants, he began passing their gifts to them as well. Harry took a seat beside Teddy, Victoire and Ginny.

"Seems like you and mum rocked tonight, eh?" Ginny teased. Harry laughed. Ginny had reserved him a seat on the table beside her but the ever oblivious Ron thought it to be empty and sat beside her. Teddy was on her other side and hence, Harry had to sit beside Mr Weasley near the head of the table and Percy who talked seriously about Harry's well-being and jokingly about thick bottomed cauldrons. Ginny gasped suddenly, causing Harry to look at her with raised eyebrows. She was holding a paper and her eyes were soft. Teddy, on the other hand, was looking as if he did not want to be there.

"Love, are you alright?" Harry asked. Ginny nodded and showed the parchment to a confused Harry. His eyebrows raised even further as his green eyes softened at the sight. The paper was a handmade one by a very little Teddy. Teddy had drawn it, nearly seven years back and asked Harry and Ginny, through babbling, to sign it. Harry had kept it with him in their bedroom but he had no idea what happened to it after his arrest. It was his favorite drawing. It was drawing of baby Teddy, two more babies (which presumably were his and Ginny's), Ginny and himself. The wordings containing Teddy's own words, 'mum, dad, brothars, sistas and Iself' were still visible.

"How did you find this, sweetheart?" Ginny asked.

"I asked Uncle Ron to fetch it for me," Teddy said in a very silent voice, as if he was afraid. Ginny pulled him closer and hugged him tightly, Harry joining not moments later.

"Thank you, Teddy, this is so nice."

Teddy grinned and went back to wrapping his gifts. Harry continued his as well. So far, he had received homemade tart and a Weasley jumper for Mr and Mrs Weasley, a set of small home decor from Bill, Fleur and their family, A dragon hide photo frame (which seemed bizarre though) from Charlie, a book on how to mingle with Muggles from Percy, a box of treacle tart made by Audrey, a set of newly arrivals of Weasley Wizarding Wheezes from George, a broom polishing kit from Angelina, a small box of seeds of decorative plants from Neville and Hannah, a poster of himself and Ginny, self painted by Luna, the drawing from Teddy and several other small parchment of drawings from the other kids. One one gift was there to open, surprisingly given that he had not received anything from Ron or Hermione. The gift was labelled from Ginny so he looked at her. At the same time, she gasped. Harry's smile widened at her reaction to his gift. She looked at him with wide eyes and that was when he noticed her misty eyes. Harry signed and opened his arms wide but she did not jump into them. In fact, she did not even make a move.

"Ginny, y-you don't like the gift? I know that you don't fancy expensive items but I wan-" Harry started but was cut off by Ginny's mouth on his. She kissed him passionately, shutting his words and when they backed away for the need of breath, she put a finger to his lips.

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