I love you, sistah!

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Tiara Clare gasped as Bellatrix Lestrange shot a crucio at her. She dodged narrowly, and was pushed aside by her best friend, Pansy Parkinson.
"Go you idiot!" She yelled, duelling Bellatrix. "Go find her!"
Tiara nodded and took off.

She skidded to a halt, her sister in front of her. She had wounds all around her body and she was breathing heavily.

"T-tia-ara." She rasped, previously blonde hair falling on her shoulders, red with blood. "H-help Me!"
Tiara rushed forward, her wand raised. "Ridikullus!"

Jasmine Clare gasped as Lucius Malfoy shot a killing curse at her. She dodged narrowly, and was pushed aside by her best friend, Hermione Granger.
"Go you idiot!" She yelled, duelling Lucius. "Go find her!"
Jasmine nodded and ran off.

She skidded to a halt, her sister in front of her. She had wounds all around her body and she was breathing heavily.

"J-jasmi-ine." She rasped, previously black hair falling on her shoulders, marroon with blood . "H-help Me!"

Jasmine rushed forward, her wand raised. "Ridikullus!"

The two voices intertwined as the Double boggart collapsed, defeated.
Jasmine looked at the black head in front of her and almost dropped her wand in relief.
Tiara Clare was standing there, No wound in sight.
They rushed into an embrace, pulling back and fretting over each other's states.

Jasmines eyes filled with tears as the war around them slowly ceased, Voldemort and his followers defeated. She thanked fate that both of them could get through the war safely.
She never left Tiara's side, and she didn't need to. They were finally safe.

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