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so... is this love?

THE SCENT OF summer brings memories to the forefronts of one's mind. Of the earthy musk, of crisp transcendent waterfalls— the cascading echoes of a forgone past tainted by the deathly fracture between imagination and reality. To which grapevines entangled the hallows of those memories, enclosed forever by grape flowers and spindling fruits of temptation. Intoxicated with the blood of the fruit, one begins to think. It's there where the last impressions of summer remain, a perfect encapsulation of innocent naïveté.

Happiness escaped like a fluttering butterfly, a dance of fatality shall come to an end once the inferno casted its punishment. It fluttered with clipped, flawed wings— flying towards damnation for the sake of wanting to pierce the heavens.

A girl once stood at the basin of the lagoon, she stared at her own reflection to see upon the devastations of what love can cause. To task herself with flying close to the sun; she shall perish and fall until her wings have collapsed and melted, her life plummeting towards the depths of that very lagoon where she found love.

She wondered to herself— what sort of love would cause her to suffer such a fate? Would she be able to catch herself before the fall?

... Curious, she thought to herself. It was certainly a curious perdition.

The insect of clipped wings fluttered weakly to her side, perched upon her shoulders as she gazed outwards to the pools of transparent aquamarine. The butterfly's dying breath drawn at the end of summer's last eve— the song of requiem singing as the days of innocence closed with the sun's departure.

EVENING AIR DRAPED over your figure like a winter cloak as you stepped out of your carriage (one that Diluc had kindly arranged for you). The breeze carried the organza of the dress into the air, lifting the verdant into wing-like drapes around your waist. You thanked the driver of the carriage, giving him a curt nod before heading off towards the manor.

A light chuckle caught your attention as you tried to dust your dress void of any wrinkles. Your gaze flickered upwards to meet the stare of your self-proclaimed best friend.

"Kaeya," you greeted him with a slight smile, doing a small curtesy as a gesture of politeness. He almost snorted at your behavior, you were sure he was rolling his eye at you.

"You spent less than three hours with Diluc and somehow he already changed you." Kaeya sneered, taking your gloved hand into his. "Exactly how smitten by him are you?"

You scoffed at his words, feigning offense taken by his words. "I'm not 'smitten', Kaeya... It's only proper for me to act like someone with my title."

He snorted in disbelief. "Sure, whatever you say."

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