The nun and the emperor

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Y/n pov 

 I walked back to Verse taking a deep breath after finally finishing up my training for the day.

 Y/n: (Mind)Man that was way tougher than I thought. Rias made sure to ride me during the whole thing. Both literally and metaphorically but I guess it doesn't matter. Bitching about it ain't gonna help me. 


 3rd person pov

 Y/n stood panting wiping the sweat off his face making Rias smile. 

 Rias: Great job today Y/n you did alot better than I thought you would. 

 Y/n: Yeah I'm still processing how the hell the rest of you guys managed this? I mean I'm sitting here after practically bitching like a baby after push ups earlier.

  Y/n smiled at the other peerage members causing them to smile. 

Kiba: *chuckles* Aw Come man your gonna make me blush. It takes time but I know you'll get used to it. 

Akeno : Well it's simpler when you know what your best at. 

 Koneko: After that it's all down to mastering the rest. 

 Rias: With the other's experience they can handle themselves . You are a different story though Y/n. 

 Y/n: Yeah I get it I put in the time and effort and you'll be the one to help me become as badass as the others. 

 Rias:*giggles* I guess you can put it that way. 

(Flashback end) 

 Y/n pov 

 I bawled up my fist then smirked looking into the sky.

 Y/n:(Mind) I maybe weak now but I'll become stronger;way stronger than those assholes at Verse who looked down on me! I swear I won't let Rias and the others down! 

 While I walked I accidentally bumped into someone causing them to fall over.

 Y/n: Oh crap my bad are you ok? 

 Taking a look For a sec I noticed it was a girl. Offering her my hand I ignored the panty shot that was visible. When she accepted my help I spoke to her.

 Y/n: I'm guessing your a foreigner by your outfit. What's your name maybe I can help you. 

 Asia: My name is Asia Argento it's nice to meet you

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 Asia: My name is Asia Argento it's nice to meet you. 

 Y/n:Asia..Well my name is Y/n Hyoudou so what can I do for ya Asia?

 Asia: I'm trying to find the way to Verse Academy..there is a Church nearby I really got to go to.

Y/n: Well then in that I don't mind taking ya back.

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