Chapter 1

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Sam's pov
The morning after the grand spectacle of the London Olympics, a revelation struck me like a bolt of lightning - I was carrying not one, but two precious lives within me. When I shared this astonishing news with Donnell and Orozco, their jaws dropped in sheer disbelief. Overwhelmed by a wave of sickness, I found myself retching for a grueling two hours. Seeking solace, I decided to rest my weary body. Donnell, ever the caring soul, inquired about my well-being, to which I assured him that I was fine. As I surrendered to the embrace of slumber, my queasy stomach and nauseous sensations gradually subsided, granting me a respite from the torment. Upon awakening, we ventured out to satiate our hunger, and as I savored each morsel, I allowed my eyelids to flutter shut, surrendering to a state of blissful relaxation. In those moments of tranquility, I envisioned a future where Donnell, John, and I would assume the roles of devoted fathers, a thought that brought an undeniable smile to my lips. While Donnell and John engaged in animated conversation about our time in London, I took a brief respite, closing my eyes once more. When I finally unveiled my gaze, their eyes met mine, wide with astonishment, as if they had encountered a mythical creature in the flesh. Curious about their intentions, I inquired, only to discover their genuine concern for my well-being. Assuring them that I was indeed alright, albeit with a nagging ache in my belly, I confessed to feeling unwell. After we concluded our meal, we retreated to our sanctuary, where I succumbed to a deep slumber, embracing the tranquility that enveloped me for an extended period of time.

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