Chapter 2

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2013 pgs championships Sam is 2 months and 8 weeks Sam felt tired and sick

Sam's pov
it was 2013 I was 2 months pregnant and 8 weeks I told Kurt, Stacy, and, Adrien, and they were all shocked for words during the competition after vault I had my hands on my stomach, and I felt a small kick from one of the twins; I tried my best not to tear up but I couldn't help it it was a happy moment. The happy moment of the competition after the parallel bars I felt sick to my stomach. I went to go drink my water. I fell asleep it was the end of night 1
Point of View ends
After Night 1 the gang went back to the room. Sam felt so tired so he went to bed his back hurt so bad and he got sick for 2hrs. After he got sick Orozco got Sam some water after he drank some water when it was time for bed Donnell slept with him Sam was in pain but Donnell helped him

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