Chapter 10

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Sam is 32 weeks and 8 months pregnant and is due in 1 months

Sam's pov
It was a brand new year and I just could not wait to have these twins because my belly is so big; I feel like im gonna burst. My belly is so big and it's so hard to sleep at night because of the twins kicking and moving around in my belly. Every day I wake up feeling exhausted, with my belly hurting, or in the middle of the night with leg cramps which is not fun; I hate leg cramps they are so painful and prohibit me from sleeping at night. I was excited because we get to meet them soon and we couldn't be more excited. It was a brand new year but this year is the year of the Rio Olympics and we couldn't be more excited. I woke up the next morning to the twins moving in my belly. Ow my belly they are moving like crazy in my belly. I went into the bathroom I felt sick, oh my god these twins were like bunny rabbits; they were getting restless which is not good.
Don Don's POV
I woke up the next morning to see Sam not in bed. He must be in the bathroom. I got out of bed went to the bathroom door and knocked on the door. Sammy you in there I said. Yeah Don Don oh my god I hear Sam say. Sam you okay in there? I asked. Yeah Don Don im fine the twins are just moving like crazy. I saw Sam coming walking out of the bathroom I was like oh my god there going crazy. Does that hurt I asked Sam. Yeah it does hurt oh my god Sam said putting one hand on his belly? Ow Sam said. Sam you, okay we both heard Orozco's voice. The twins are moving like crazy bro I said to Orozco. Okay well, we need to start getting a move on because we got an Olympic team or world team to make Orozco said to us. I was like let's get moving then I said

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