﹝☭﹞𝖱𝗎𝗂𝗇𝖾𝖽 𝗈𝗎𝗋 𝖿𝗋𝗂𝖾𝗇𝖽𝗌𝗁𝗂𝗉

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𝖱𝗎𝗂𝗇𝖾𝖽 𝗈𝗎𝗋 𝖿𝗋𝗂𝖾𝗇𝖽𝗌𝗁𝗂𝗉

YOU ARE. in Jungwon's studio and hanging out with him

You and him are been bestfriends since in diapers. Even tho there's a difference now.

Jungwon is now a Kpop idol along his friends while you just a normal small bean girl that hates to attend school yet still going-anyways. Jungwon called you when you are in the middle of making your homework

So since you can't say no you go and come, the entertainment knows about yours and his friendship.

Why you can't say no?simple.

You've been liking him since then.

Till now, but seems like it is not a simple like but fallen deeply.

And ofcourse, jungwon isn't only your friend.
You also has maybe five friends in your school and forced you to confessed on him..

So here you are now...just waiting for the right moment..

,,Why you're so quiet? something happened" jungwon asked, stopping what he was doing first to put his one hundred and one percent of attention on you.

This is one of the reason why you fallen for him

He is willingly to stop what he was doing first if he noticed something is going on and putting all of his attention to it and fix it before it gets worst.

That's yang jungwon.

,,U-uhm...no nothing happened its just... nevermind" you said hesitantly and look down on your lap where you played with your fingers.

You badly want to screamed so loud right now as jungwon took your hands and trapped it inside his bigger ones.

,,I know you y/n. Tell me..i know there's something off."he said comfortly.

Another two reason why!!!!!!!

,,U-uhm.."you shutters.


You sighed before looking straight to his eyes that you wish it last.

His eyes were full of concerned. And worries.

' i can do it..'

You thought before singing..

,,Wonnie darling, you're my bestfriend"you sang, that makes jungwon smile slightly..

You didn't know but something flashes in his eyes...pain.

He hummed and waited for you to continue..

,,But T-there's a few things that you don't know"you sang again, that make jungwon frowned

,,You bet, i know everything about you..every single thing..i even know where your birthmark locates.."he proudly said that made you blushed a bit

,,Why i barrow your lipstick so often"you sang next, he thought for a bit before nodding in agreement

,,Yeah i kinda noticed it, but its alright..i know you needed it"he said with understanding tone

,,Even tho the other hyungs kinda teased me about it...saying we are having indirect kiss even right now, i just wish after this..it was my lips now.. touching yours..""jungwon said chuckling and muttered something that you didn't catch up.

What jungwon said mostly 'indirect kiss's makes your breath hitched, you just choose to ignored it but your heart didn't help by beating fastly.

,,I'm using your shirt as a pillow case"

,,Which one?"he asked looking confused at you

,,Y-You're favorite one.."you said feeling your cheeks heated up, you heard him chuckles before mumbling again something you didn't heard.

,,i gave it to you right?when its your birthday?"he asked, you nodded in confirmation

And what you said next shocked him, you noticed how his eyes went wide and how his eyes lost its sparkles..

,,I-I wanna ruined our friendship..."you said gulping down

,, W-why"he asked, and a tear rolled..

You wiped it and smile and sang the next line

,,Be should lovers instea-"you didn't continue what you were saying when you felt soft thing touched yours.

And there where you noticed him.

Kissed you.

You didn't know why but you closed your eyes and felt him moved. You just responded the kiss till you felt him carry you and put you on his lap.

Not long enough he slowly break it and look at your eyes with the same sparkling eyes..as if he was staring at the world.

His world.

,,You scared me!"he whined and pouted, you just chuckled at him and hug him

He hugged back tightly as if you we're going somewhere and didn't want to let go.

Till he slowly broke it and cupped your both cheeks. And what he said makes you happy

,,From now on, you are mine..i don't care if you wanna ruin our friendship as long as you are here with me and beside me.. I'm willing to ruin everything for you. I love you y/n"



,,Fuck that. I'll cuddled with you after this..and I will surely won't let go of you..your left shirt is not enough as my pillow case. i want you now and forever"

𝖯𝖫𝖠𝖸-𝖣𝖠𝖳𝖤| 𝖤𝖭𝖧𝖸𝖯𝖤𝖭[DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now