001. everything about her

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Peter was rambling

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Peter was rambling. He couldn't help the words that flowed out his mouth so effortlessly. It was like an an avalanche of pure ice tumbling down a mountainside.

Every time he mentioned her, thought of her even, his blood levels would spike. His breathing would shorten almost as if there wasn't enough oxygen in the atmosphere for him to inhale.

Some could have argued that he was going too far, but he knew what he was getting himself into, and he was ready for the consequences it could potentially leave behind.

Peter sat on his bed, surrounded by the controlled chaos of his untidied room. It was a sight of comfort knowing that it wasn't bland like so many others. That it was a reflection of the person Peter wasn't afraid to show.

"It's like I can't get her out of my head." The brown eyed boy continued his everlasting rant.

Ned sat in silence, listening to his best friend's unbroken words. He had been contributing as best he could, trying to find ideas that would help his close friend through his predicament.

Ned had been sitting on the floor across from Peter's unmoving figure. Ned was mostly focused on his newly bought lego death star. Although, he was able to multitask when the time needed.

"Well what do you like so much about her?" Ned foolishly asked. Peter's eyes lit up like dancing stars at the chance to explain. It felt like a trance had been put on him, even by just the single encounter.

"It's not just one thing, Ned. It's everything about her. The way she smells like lingering caffeine. How gentle her voice is. She's just enchanting. I can't even explain it." Peter had responded so matter of factly.

He had always been one to use his hands to convey his emotions, flinging them around in the air like his arms were as light as a feather.

Ned took this opportunity to look up from the small blocks he held in his hands. His gaze landed on Peter with a small grin displayed on his face, knowing his best friend better than anyone.

"You must really like her to be this excited." The brown haired friend breathed out in his usual calm tone of voice. He knew that Peter would only get this elated for a few things, and apparently this mystery girl was number one on his mental list.

Peter flung back on his mattress, letting the material lightly bounce him until he was completely still. This gave him an exclusive view of the bottom of bed placed atom him which he used to store excess bins.

"You have no idea." The web slinger breathed out in a light sigh, eyes fixated on what he saw in front of him.

Before he hand any time to bask in his new found amazement, Ned vocalized one last question for Peter to ask. Peter was not all prepared for the level of difficulty the simple question would hide within its syllables.

"Wait.. What about Liz? Do you still like her?" Ned innocently asked, being genuinely curious of the answer he would get in return.

Ned had stayed sat in his respective spot, occupied by Peter's legs hanging off the bed.

He waited patiently, but with each passing minute the silence hadn't dispersed. Instead, it got thicker, like that of a nightly fog covering a dark road throughout the night.

Once Peter digested the full meaning of Ned's words, his face contorted from a previously astonished expression to one of doubt and confusion.

Peter knew what he felt for the girl was real, but feelings don't just magically go away. His fascination with Liz Allen wouldn't simply disappear over night.

After years of liking the girl, would he ever untangle himself from the mess of his admiration for her? It's not like he had a chance, did he? But what made him think he hand a chance with the coffee shop girl either?

It was all too much in such a small span of time. Peter would just have to wait and see how things played out for him.

With a jolt he sat back up, resting his hands within his lap.

Peter's eyes shifted down to meet Ned's. The feelings his face unwillingly shared all the information in the world.

Noticing the wary nature his eyes showed, Ned set the lego set in his lap to the side, getting up and joining Peter on the bed. He stationed himself besides his friend, wrapping his arm around Peter's neck and giving him a makeshift side hug.

"Don't worry, we'll figure it out." Ned kindly offered, knowing that Peter's happiness would fuel his happiness.

" Ned kindly offered, knowing that Peter's happiness would fuel his happiness

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𝑨𝒖𝒅𝒓𝒆𝒚 𝑺𝒑𝒆𝒂𝒌𝒔 !

Okay but Ned being the best friend ever >>> anyways I know that this chapter is very short and I'm super sorry for that. I just needed to get the ball rolling and I promise that the next chapter will be much better and will actually include Naomi and Peter content so just bare with me here. I wrote this a while ago when I still had writers block so if it sucks lmk ( although I did read through it and improve on it further ). I just want to give out a very special thank you to scvrletxreads because she is just incredible and I probably wouldn't have finished this without her giving me the inspiration. So thank you so much my love, this one is for you <3

( 𝘀𝗶𝗴𝗻𝗼𝗳𝗳 𝗴𝗶𝗳 𝗯𝘆 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗮𝗺𝗮𝘇𝗶𝗻𝗴 dorkiest_nerd )

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( 𝘀𝗶𝗴𝗻𝗼𝗳𝗳 𝗴𝗶𝗳 𝗯𝘆 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗮𝗺𝗮𝘇𝗶𝗻𝗴 dorkiest_nerd )

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2022 ⏰

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