George Washington

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George pov-

Who is this alluring man I'm locking eyes with?
His white wig, pale skin, and giant cloak make him look ravishing.

"Why Hello there! You look splendid this morning!" Said King George. Thank you! You look ever so pulchritudinous as well King." George Washington bowed down in respect for the King.
"Might I get your name sir?"
"George, George Washington" He said.

"Delightful meeting you, I am King George 3rd."
"Everyone on this ship here knows who you are, you are truly a beauty to your country." Says George.

"Might I get some crumpets and tea? Perhaps we could talk?" Says King George.

This fair man wants to have crumpets with me? How in the world did I get so prosperous?

"Of course King, that would truly be delightful." George responded

"Please call me Georgette, after my mother's maiden name."

"Yes sir Georgette, it would be my pleasure."

King Georgette leads George to the deck, where usually only royalty is aloud.

The salty sea air filled my nostrils to the brim as I let out an exhale, this day kept on getting more superior by the second.

King Georgette sits down on the throne as George sits on the bench next to him. "BRAXFORD!!" King Georgette roars. "Yes king? What can I do for you?" Braxford comes walking in. He had a white wig and was wearing a suit, I predict that is his butler. "Get me and my mate some crumpets, biscuits, and tea to snack on."
"Yes sir, it will be out in a moment."

"Tell me about yourself George."
This man is making me go wild.

"I moved to London from Russia, and now I am going to America. My full name is George Applebottom beesknees Washington. What about you, if you don't mind sharing?"

"I used to be an Aztec warrior, I moved here from Anartica. My full name is Georgette Picklesnot Jiggletrophy the 3rd."

"How bewildering!" George exclaims.

"Here are your crumpets, biscuits, and tea Sir." Braxford says while entering the room.

"Gracias Braxford, now get back to your tasks from before please."

Braxford nods and walks out.

"Here please take some, as much as you would like."


"You speak Dutch? That's astonishing!"


George reached for a crumpet at the same time that King Georgette did, and their hands touched. They stayed there for a moment admiring the touch, but George pulled away blushing. "Your hands are so soft, I must say."

"Well thank you Georgette!" George says.

That's when the boat experienced some turbulence and the boat took a very sharp hit which caused them to fall on top of eachother.

"I can't take it George," king Georgette said underneath him. "I'm so so sorry Georgette let me get off." George tried to get off of Georgette.

King George grabs his hips with an iron grip and says "no, I mean I can't hide my feelings for you anymore.... You make me feel wild and free."

"You make me feel the same Georgette..."

They pulled eachother into a Kiss and started kissing crazily, and passionately.


Authors note- read it with a British accent.

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