forced darkness

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3rd pov

There's something off with this battle, both Ops and Navis can feel it, but between the flips, dodges, chips and running, none of them have time to talk about it. Lan is busy trying not to get eaten, and Megaman needs to hurry, in order to get him out of the cage. A quick glance shows the water almost over his head, it's filled so full. Megaman feels the panic, but shoves it aside because he trusts Lan, however much he also knows his partner is human. 

He aims and fires, aiming for the chest of the unknown navi .It hits and for a long moment, nothing happens, nobody moves, and then the cage opens and water runs out, Lan going with it. The blue navi sighs in relief and relaxes. He's safe and ok, at least for the moment. Megaman will have to watch out for a cold or anything else like that for the next few days,  but he can handle that. He turns towards the cage, looking out of the net into the human world. 

He holds his breath as he watches Lan, and then lets it out as he starts to cough. He connects to the PET, ready to return and preparing to do so, when something latches onto him. There's no time to dodge or evade and so they are forced to watch as it melts it's way into Megaman's emblem, the navi going to his knees with a cry of pain. 


The navi responds to none of the yells, barely hears them in fact, focused entirely on stopping the darkness invading his system from whatever attacked him. There's something wrong about the cold and the way it forces itself into the data of a navi, forcing them to change and act in ways they wouldn't. The navi let's out a howl and leans over as the darkness reaches his hips as well as his shoulders. He growls and they can see the darkness moving back and then creeping forward again, but they all know Megaman is tired from the battle.

He knows if he doesn't give them some clue or even just last words, they'll fall into a despair that won't help anyone.


Everyone falls silent, realizing he's trying to say something. They may as well listen, since there is nothing they can currently do.

"You just need to remember, that you're not alone and... neither am I."

He groans and clamps a hand around his emblem as they watch the darkness creep further, the poor navi collapsing onto his side. They can tell he's barely holding onto consciousness, and then he completely stills, like he was frozen. They all freeze, panic and worry shooting through them like ice, but he does not start disappearing. Roll approaches caustiously and sets a hand on him.

"He put himself into stasis."

The Ops turn to each other in shock - they can do that? - but turn back to the screen.

"What can we do?"

"Our best bet is to head to sci labs. Hopefully Dr.Hikari can help someone, or Mr.Famous."

They all agree and jack out their navi's, Lan watching as Megaman's suit turns completely grey and as he appears in a tube, almost frozen in time. For a moment he's sent reeling as he feels Deja vu, but he shakes it off as the others prepare to leave. They hurry along, jogging in a way that appears less urgent then they want to be. They can't let it be known that Megaman is down or else villains will start to wreck things and delete him. They all race through labs though, since that's more common anyways and the sooner they reach Dr.Hikari, the better.

"Dad! Dad, we need help right now!"

Both Mr.Famous and Dr.Hikari turn from the computer they were working on, while Lan races forward with his PET. He offers it and the Dr takes it, both of them paling when they spot the navi in stasis as well as the grey suit. They share a look and then give the kids a look that demands an explanation as they start to work.

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