Chapter 3

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They all walked into the room taking their seats and I noticed that there were open seats. I watch in the door frame when my manager comes to take their orders when that one kid interrupts her and asks something I was hoping he would not, " Not you, her."

"Um sir I'm afraid that she can't do that, she is not trained and it is only her first day." the manager said with concern in her voice

"so, that only means that she should do it for practice isn't that right girl," he said looking at me for an answer. Normally I would have said something completely rude and walked off but the manager said they were VIPs and I didn't want to get her or myself in trouble so I just glared at him.

"Here we will just start off with waters until the others come is that easy enough for you," he said sourly. I look at him glaring at him but I remember that even tho I want to I can't break his nose in so I take a breath and say, "Yes...sir." In that second I almost threw up in my mouth and I started heading to the front counter and asked for 6 waters. After some time I was handed the water and started to walk back to the room when I see 4 people and one of them caught my attention he was tall and had a really sharp jawline and he was eating one of our free donuts. I quickly noticed there was nobody at the post so I walked up to quickly greet and seat them.

"um hello, there I'm sorry for the wait how may I help you?"

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"um hello, there I'm sorry for the wait how may I help you?"

" Hi, we have a reservation in the VIP room, number 3."

"ohh 5 other gentlemen are waiting for you please follow me."

"5? there should be 6," the man said but I simply say

"oh there is but one is no gentleman," I could hear him chuckle and we made it to the room put the waters in the middle and simply left. I didn't want to deal with that brat so I started to walk out of the room good thing my manager already knew what they ordered so all I needed to do was take it to them and clean up then I was clocking out. I was called to the kitchen to get their orders and I headed to their room, when I entered I heard them talking about something or someone called Neo Zone but I paid no mind to it. When I walked in I started to walk around the table and hand them their orders when I faced one of them and he looked at me and I got lost in my thoughts there was something about him like I'd seen him then all of a sudden I realized he was the man from the news and just as I realized that my manager walked in I could tell she had already knew that.

"Um is something wrong, do I have something on my face," he said wiping small places on his face. I simply put the rest of the coffee on the table and was ready to run and call the police but my manager stopped me in my tracks before I could leave.

"Listen I know what it looks like but you can't-"

I cut her off, " YOU KNOW WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE CAUSE WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE THERE ARE MAFI- mafias are sitting right in that room and one of them was on the news," I say franticly

my manager proceeds to tell me "I know but it's fine they aren't hurting anyone here"

"Maybe not in here but out there in the world they are, they kill and still sleep at night counting sheep, they are heartless people," I say and the memories start to fill my head



"Y/N it's okay brother will save you ok just close your eyes and sing our song ok"



"it's ok I will be back ok just run alright and don't look back just run as far as you can"


"Please Y/N run"

I did what I was told and started to run when all of a sudden


I look back and see that he was shot three times and I see he mouths something to me

"Run sunflower"

that was my nickname that only he called me and for the first time in my life I ran away and didn't fight.

(end of flashback)

"Listen they are not bad people."

"bad people, it's people like them that make the world worse, its people like them that I hate the most,"

"why they did do nothing wrong to you"

" did nothing wrong" I didn't notice but I started to laugh putting fear in some of the poeple in the room and my manager

"Look I know that this seems wrong but they are protecting this area, they are making sure I can run my business smoothly and in return, they come here with no questions asked, it's a good deal." the manager said pleading with me

"they-They killed my parents right in front of my eyes and they-" At that moment instead of rage I felt grief and sadness and quietly said "They killed my brother when I was only 6" at that moment the room was silent I looked at the ten men sitting at the table and say "the world only gets worst because of your kind remember that" I walked away I couldn't handel it the sudden memory was too much and I ran all the way home not looking back just like that night.

??? POV

"We should go after her she knows were are here and she will call the police," Yuta says about to run after her.

"if any of you touch her I will kill you with my bear hands" Johnny said

"What did you just say to me," Yuta says slowly turning to the man

"you heard what I said and I would repeat it"

"Listen I am older than you so you should have more respect for me Johnny"

"well she is very important to me so don't even think about it"

"why? Who is that ugly girl to you" another says "She couldn't even greet us properly and I don't like her one bit." Haechan says


she is my sunflower

she is my baby sister

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