Demon Visit (Killian)

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Killian pov

I left Delilah's house immediately and hurried back to my brother's. I began looking through her things and three hours later, I find no sign of anything. Not that I actually know what I'm looking for.

But I know there must be something.

"Any luck Captain?" The boy's voice startles me. My body jolts and I turn to face him. He stands in front of the closed front door. "Found anything that may tell you where she went?"

"No. I haven't... I ought to kill you where you stand." I threaten, taking a few steps closer to him.

"And what will that solve?" He asks.

I scoff. "Don't be ridiculous, boy, you are the bloody reason my brother is dead!" I point my sword at him.

"Actually Captain, you are. Actually, his stupidity is what killed him. And if you want to trace back even farther, the king killed him by sending him for the dreamshade. But that's not why I'm here, Killian."

My patience is being tested with this boy. "Then what do you want!?"

"It's more like what you want, because, you see," He smirks. "I know where your niece is."

Panic floods my veins and my breathing becomes short. I place the sword to his neck. "What the bloody have you done with my niece?" I ask him lowly, threateningly.

He twitches his eyebrows in a mocking way. "Easy Captain. All I've done is help her recognize herself. Her true self. You should come visit, she wants to ask you a question."

I blink tears of anger away. "Where? Take me to her!"

"Now, now, I can't just go and make it easy for you to reach her. You'll have to find your way back to Neverland all on your own. You had best hurry. Time is ticking and there's no telling what the lost boys will do to the only girl on the island."

And as if he were never there at all, he's gone.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2023 ⏰

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