Movie Night

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Hi, welcome to my first Soraxx fanfic :D 

Funny thing is- my name is also Sora but I could just go by Archer or Cam <3 

This is a pretty short chapter, I'm sorry but this "book" will just basically be wholesome Soraxx dates ^^ anyways enjoy the story! (or try to lol)


The Squad were all looking forward to this day, the day being Friday. Everyone agreed to do a movie night and to spice things up by watching six different genres of movies. None of them were sure whether or not this was a stupid idea or amazing. Everything was prepared and by everything I mean just turning on the TV and signing into Netflix was all they really had to do. Jaxx was excited for the most part but Sora on the other hand was not too hyped about horror, but hey, is anyone really? But what Jaxx and Sora did not anticipate was that the rest of The Squad was going to bail out last minute.

The first person that decided to leave was Levi, "I got better things to do." He put it simply.

"Like what??" Charli questioned, she was suspicious and assumed Levi was being a 'scaredy cat.'

Levi got up from the couch and walked away, "Nothing." Levi murmured sarcastically but didn't try to explain himself and finally left the living room.

Sora sighed with a bucket of popcorn in his arms and plopped right next to Jaxx, "One down, aaand he left with some popcorn as well.." Sora giggled at the emo guy.

Jaxx snuck a quick hand into the bucket and ate some of the popcorn, causing Sora to stare at him in surprise. Alex pouted and said, "Well, I was hoping all of us could watch together but I guess not. I'll just go then." She yawned afterwards, already tired and so she went back into her room.

Soon it was just Jaxx and Sora alone, together on the couch. " going to leave as well?" Sora asked Jaxx, sounding a bit upset.

Jaxx stifled a chuckle and teased Sora, "Awh, did you want me to? I was thinking of staying but if you insist on leaving-"

"No no, I didn't mean it like that! I want you to stay, please." Sora unintentionally did these adorable puppy eyes by widening his eyes and pouting.

Jaxx felt like Manny Pacquiao had just ripped out his heart and used it as a punching bag, his heart was practically leaping out of his chest, "Sure, what should we watch first?" He asked Sora after composing himself.

"Hmm..anything but uhm." Sora paused and then whispered, "horror.." He truly was against the idea.

The redhead nodded in complete understanding, "Mhm..welp- horror it is then!" He laughed quietly after seeing Sora's distraught face. "Don't worry, if it gets too much for you then we can stop and watch something else, okay?" Jaxx spoke in a calming voice, which was turning Sora's face red. "Hey, what-"

"IT'S NOTHING!" Sora quickly interrupted and then gave Jaxx an apologetic look, "Ah, sorry. Let's just watch, hahaa.." He awkwardly laughed and stuffed some popcorn into his mouth.

Jaxx nodded and pressed play on the movie, not wanting to make it more awkward. Sora watched the movie intensely and from time to time he would look at anything else but the screen when painfully obvious music was playing or noticeable jumpscares were going to appear. Jaxx's main focus was on the cute blue haired boy but he also watched parts of the movie, not really interested in the movie but he was really into Sora for some reason. The way Sora's eyes stare like a deer in headlights, his hands fidgeting with each popcorn and then slowly reaching his mouth, his perked posture everytime the music starts, and lastly Sora's small whimpers and cries. Jaxx isn't into those sorts of things I promise, he just thought it was cute. There was a point into the movie where the jumpscare finally got Sora and he screamed in terror, Jaxx jumped as well but the scream scared him more than the actual movie. "Huahhh..Jaxx, please oh god- pause the MOVIE! I can't look anymore." Sora whined and clinged onto Jaxx for dear life.

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