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The smell of rain or Petrichor.

Not many know the name or the reason it exists, but relish in the smell that is everlasting.

It can follow you throughout the day or be there one second then dissapear the next. Not many notice it or even miss it when it is gone, but Melissa and her mother love/loved it. They felt connected by one of the simple things.

It stayed everlasting throughout their lives. It followed them from dawn till dark, birth till death and happy till sad. Some things can last forever and never be missed by anyone who cherishes it or can only last a fraction of time and be missed never to cross minds again.

My mother and I loved to go outside in our rainboots and jackets and splash around, we were free in those moments.

Ever since she has been gone, the puddles are not the same. They do not splash as much or give of as much of a youthful feeling.

Now, the storms just remind me of her death. I cry with the sky and we mourn together.

I have learned to relish in the good times because just like that, they can dissapear.

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