Chapter 1

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"Aren't you scared by all this? Doesn't it look ugly and psychotic to you?" 

"No, they look  very beautiful, no one has done this for me" 


Life is not fair to everyone. Let it be for rich or poor, rich will be glorified while poor are just a subject to be criticized. 

Depression. Anyone knows it can kill someone if it cuts off the boundaries. The cavilling society that stomps on someone incapable to stand up for themselves. Lies. Everything they say are lies, filthy lies. 

But, when your own parents, the one supposedly stand for you, protect you, only discriminate you without love and affection, and friends or schoolmates from school that are supposed to be the ones you should be seeking for comfort turn out to be monsters that abhor and loathe your whole existence. Why are you the only one who's being bullied and be grossed by your face? Can't they feel the broken soul that once all of them stomped brutally can't be regained back to it's old way it used be, but keep repeatedly stomped. 

It's them, who did this, to the girl who was once the most cheerful, with no emotions. 

"That bitch is here, Nancy come and do it, it's your birthday today anyway" Nancy's minion trolled down the pail of red liquid, waiting for the right person to walk in and complete their mission. 

"No, it's okay, I don't want to ruin my dress, it's too expensive, don't ruin my enthusiasm girls, carry on, don't lose her" Nancy was definitely the frolicker of the popular group. As usual, it was another circle of your life. These days, you don't even bother being cautious of your brute around your presence, and anyhow you'll still be victimized for their silly pranks and to keen out their boredom where you'll be their play toy they are allowed, or rather, you are unreluctantly willed to be bullied as their wish. 

It hurts, what they do to you hurts, but there's no one to save nor help you. Because, no one cares. No one gives a damn to a hoe like girl such as you. Nancy was an avatar of evil. She uses the power her father holds, no, her father basically owns the prestigious highschool you attend, therefore, she's the next legatee of the sole wealth. She definitely knows what she does and she loves it, which is tormenting and ruining your life. 

Anyone may ask why you never reported it, it went vain in drain. When the message reached the school's owner, the so-called Nancy's father, he slapped you and warned you to shut up and obey the next inheritor. After that incident, she was given full authority to do anything to you without restriction. Who were you? An abandoned child-with-parents.  

You don't have to offend someone to be offended. They do whatever they wants, even force you to do anything. If to summarize this gruesome matter, you are just a toy they can do anything and you should never open your mouth. Talk back, no, worst , sound anything without their permission, then, girl, you dug your own grave. 

Walking the slow steps, as if you're walking in a ghost house, your legs denied to move any pace more quicker. It was how you were actually. Rubbing your red cheeks, you stepped in the hall entrance, and while reading the literature notes in your hand. As for the red tainted print on your cheeks, your mom. 

"Just die, useless bitch, why are you troubling me?! You're doing nothing, but living off my money like a leech. Why aren't you getting lost?! I don't even need a stupid bitch like you as my daughter" After some marvelously blood-spilling kicks all over your bruised hull, she pulled your hair, lifting your weak self upwards just to land a firm slap on your cheek. The burning sensation, for a second, your eyes rolled back almost to blackout. 

Without speaking, you left your hell like house, heading on the way to school that was another hell, regaining that darned energy to at least walk there. 

Out of nowhere, a red substance was splashed all over your hull and venting, you screeched. "What...?" Looking at your literature note that was once white long time ago but now is painted in red like a white canvas soaked in red. Looking on your surrounding, you couldn't comprehend what was happening. Who did it this? Which bully of yours pulled such a deed on you? Picking your uniform between your fingers, a super bad smell made you shut off each olfactory smell. The disgusting smell, you had no idea what is this thing they splashed at you. 

Period blood. 

Tears of devastation overwhelmed you, how can they do this to you? And that too, splashing period blood on you. Your thyroid was tightened, nausea washed over you, just few delay to hold yourself back. The disgusting smell was unstandable.  Searching for that one obvious person, Nancy was standing at the stair rails, clapping her hands, merriment in full satisfaction and cheeriness. Walking down swaying her hips like a model, but actually more than that, way too dramatically, she chirped, "Aww! My girls, thank you so much for such a beautiful surprise, and thank you for making my birthday more special" 

"But, the gift is too smelly, ew, can ya'll please throw this trash out?" Turning your gaze to her pathetic self, the tears of humiliation and pain drilled in and out of you like rain. "I know right" Her minion, Lia spoke with her hands clasped on her chest cockily. "This gift can be completed with the last touch of flour" 

"Of course, we have it queen" No! Your face scrunched up in sorrow but they were firm in doing as their silly wish. Out of nowhere, a ball flew towards you and that was all you knew when you realized your nose was fractured. Eyes rolling back, everything blacked out. 

"Why? Just why? Why is it only me?" A tear spilled from your eyes. 


A/N: Hello, your author Susumi here! I'm welcoming ya'll back with another book, feel free to point out any grammar or any spelling corrupts! I'm happy that I'm able to get reconnect with my precious readers! 

Don't come at me ya'll! I know I've been sneaking away from updating my MTMB Book. Just bear with me ya'll, I honestly lost ideas I had for it, but I definitely won't abandon my books! 

Okay, now, enough of home warming message, I'm tired because I've been writing this one chapter for a whole day, embarrassing I know. 

This is a republished book. Thank you!



Written on 6.6.22

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