Chapter 2

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[I recommend ya'll to listen to abcdefu by Gayle, it fits this chapter perfectly]


"Are you awake now?" A voice stirred your half-conscious self completely off the daze. Sitting on the medical bed you're used to, a stranger voiced out of nowhere.

"Yes" The same neutral tone was weakly used to reply that stranger.  Who was he? Furthermore, why was he even here?

While avoiding eye-contact with him, your eyes fell on your attire, it was no longer the ruined uniform but a sport attire.

With a single glance, you realized it wasn't yours definitely.

It was as big as it could fit in 3 people in it. 

A thought stroke you, could it be this stranger's attire? There is always an empty room for thoughts to appear and show themselves up, so there can be a big chance for him to lend his shirt. But, who changed it? 

Your eyes that refused to have a single gaze with him, now slowly dazed at him.

"Did you--" Before you ask him, his face said everything. "Well, err, it couldn't be helped so I changed it, but I promise I didn't even look your body, I made sure of it" Throwing his head sideward, it was now him who hesitated to leave a single gaze at your direction.

How did he expected you to reply for this?

He don't have any rights to ask you for any 'apology' for causing him troublesome work nor a 'thank you' for changing your clothes.

It doesn't matter if he helped you, furthermore you weren't even barely conscious when he changed you and any assurance that he didn't see your body. He could be lying.

Men can't be trusted, because experience talks. 

He understood the hesitating kinda expression displayed openly on your face. "Hey, I don't care if you don't believe me, but trust my words, I'm really a man of my words, I'm not a double or triple faced guy you could probably think of in your silly head" 

Then, maybe, just maybe, you should drop down your wall and trust this complete stranger at least a little bit. Nodding, you got down the bed and wore your slipper since your school shoe was soaked when you were too. Grabbing your school bag, you squeezed your brows, but he answered you instead. "I fetched it for you" Slow pacing what you were doing, "I'll give your attire later" You heard a 'hmm' from him, and before you walked out, you asked, "Why did you bring me here? I never asked you to. You could have just simply ignored like others and minded your own business" 

"I'm a new transferee here, I don't know what happened to you before this but I'm not that a heartless person to ignore a poor girl fainted right in the middle of the hall, and that too injured" As he walked until the exit door, he glanced for the last time, occupying a small smile on his face and stepped further but halted in his steps after hearing you, "What is your name?" 

"Hwang In-Yeop


A/N: Yes, this book may have constant updates or maybe regular chapters, so no worries, also, I don't want to hear any complaints or anyone saying some chapters are short, they are meant to be! 

Easy to say, hard to do it!

Thank you, Author Susumi_ is OUT




FC: 26


ritten on 6.6.2022

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