i love you Luke... why cant you see that?!?!?!

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Luke and I have been friends since we were in 2nd grade. In the 7th grade I started to have feelings for Luke but he has never noticed. Now we both dropped out of high school. My parents weren't happy with my decision and they think Luke is a bad influence but I don't care. I went on tour with him and the boys all the time. Even then he still never noticed i kept dropping hints that I like him all the other boys know and I just don't understand how he doesn't notice. Okay lets get to the story. "Lets play truth or dare!" Calum said. oh jeez I hate playing truth or dare it always turns wrong! They all agreed so I went with it. we got a bottle to spin to ask truth or dare. Calum spun the bottle... AND OF COURSE IT LANDS ON ME!!!!!! "Truth or dare?" Calum asked. Of course I usually say truth... "Dare." all of them gasped. "What?!" I said confused. "You've never picked dare before." they said in unison. "so? Can we go now?" I said. Calum tapped his finger on his chin then and grin widened on his face. "i dare you to kiss Luke... on the lips for 1 minute." he said laughing knowing I'm gonna kill him later because i love Luke. so i got up to walk over to Luke and said "Calum time me!" we kissed and i grabbed the back of Luke head to kiss him. The time was over but Luke kept kissing me and I went to get up to sit in my spot but he pulled me back down on to him. I laughed because I practically fell over when he pulled me back down. I got up and ran into my bunker. I laughed and cried at the same time. Luke came in and asked why i was crying. "Because I love you Luke... Why cant you see that?!?!?! I've loved you since the 7th grade!!!" I said still crying. I've liked you since the 8th grade and I was gonna ask you out but I was scared you would say no..." Luke said gently which made me cry harder. The boys came in to help Luke. But I just got out of my bunker and ran out the bus to the girls bathroom out side to let all my cries out. Luke came to see if I was okay i just ran and hugged him and said "I love you, nothing can change that."

I really do love youWhere stories live. Discover now