The Sense of Danger

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The Sense of Danger
July 1st, 2033

[It is once again very late at night, let's say around 4AM. We see a mysterious figure walking down a basement. It's Mr. Lopez, he also has the ring in his hand. He goes down the basement when at the end of it we see a door. Mr. Lopez goes to it and opens it, and we see a team of constructers]

Mr. Lopez
Everyone attention please!

[All of the constructers stops working and walks over to Mr. Lopez]

Mr. Lopez
As you know, I called you all here to start making me money because of the debt problem i'm in. But, I may have something that we can use to make stuff this world has never had

Erick Simon
Like what sir?

[Mr. Lopez raises the ring in the air showing everyone. Everyone gasps, knowing what it is right away]

Mr. Lopez
This right here, is one of the rings that Juyan had. That contains the power of speed and time. We are going to use the power of this ring, to create very powerful and valuable weapons and sell them on the dark web, and that's how we can easily get money

[Everyone cheers. They like the plan of Mr. Lopez. Mr. Lopez hands the ring to his workers and right away they begin to work. Mr. Lopez then walks over to one of his strong and better workers, White Knuckle]

Age: 33
Looks: Beard, Gray Hair, White Gloves, Buff, Tall
Mr. Lopez's Strongest Worker
Strong, Aggressive, Ruthless

Mr. Lopez

White Knuckles
Hello sir.

Mr. Lopez
How you doing today?

White Knuckle
I'm doing-

Mr. Lopez
I don't care, listen man. Imma get strait to the point and I need you to listen to me very carefully okay?

White Knuckles
What is it sir?

Mr. Lopez
I need you go after Temari, and get the other ring that he has. Even if we have to kill him, do it without hesitation. Understand?

White Knuckles
Yes sir

[White Knuckles looks at his hands and then spikes comes out from the glove! Then he begins to walk over to Temari. What is Temari doing exactly? We see him sleeping in his bed, sheets all over him and he's snoring. He has the ring on, on his right hand in his ring finger. Everything is so silent... so quiet... that even we can hear the most smallest thing, such as a thud! That just happened and Temari wakes from it. Temari quickly gets up and looks around, being frightened by the sound of the thud. But he sees nothing but his room being a mess. He thinks that it's just him going crazy and then goes back to bed. Until, he begins to hear a ringing sound in his head. He feels this weird feeling in his head, like if it's trying to tell him... a sense of danger. Temari gets up from his bed with a confused face, he walks and follows the sound of the ringing and it gets louder and louder. While that's happening, he also looks at his hand and sees that the ring is glowing and sparking bolts, it is definitely trying to tell him something, trying to send a signal to Temari's mind. He follows the sound and it leads him to his window. Temari slowly walks to his window, he gulps because he's nervous and then he arrives, the ringing stops. Temari hears nothing but silent, like if- CRASH! White Knuckles crashes through the window! Temari falls down and hits his head on his closet. White Knuckles activates his night vision sees the ring on Temari's hand. Temari notices him looking at it]

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