Date Night

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Date Night
July 1st, 2033

[Temari and Rose has moved to live in a hotel for a few days until there home gets repaired. Rose as went out to tell the news to Oryln's parents while Temari is sitting in his bed, looking through old photos of him and his dad. He tears up just by looking at them, feeling very guilty. Then, he comes across a photo of him together with Mr. Lopez. This was when Temari won a Social Studies contest. But what a twist, that Oryln is standing next to the guy that was going to kill in. Temari then smashes his phone in anger! It didn't break but it did leave a crack. Temari puts his hand over his face and starts to breath heavily. Then, he screams. He starts to have a breakdown and tear everything in the room, he knocks over and throws things all over the place. Then, he drops down and starts to cry. He sees the ring on the desk, then he remembers what Renji told him. But then, he looks at the time, and remembers that he has a date with Sayori today. Temari decides to go to clear his mind, he gets ready and puts on a total black suit, grabs the ring, and drives on his bicycle to Sayori's house. Couple minutes later he arrives and he walks up to Sayori's house. He rings the doorbell but no one answers. He rings it again but no one answers. Then he decides to knock]

Sayori?! It's me! Temari!

[Nobody answers, Temari was about to ring the door bell again, until the door suddenly opens before he can knock on it. Then, his face goes into total shock mess to see who it is... Mr. Lopez. Temari stands still in shock while Mr. Lopez looks at Temari with a grin]

Mr. Lopez
Sayori! I think your date is here


[Sayori walks up to the door wearing a red dress ready for the date also]

Thanks dad

[Mr. Lopez is Sayori's dad! Sayori hugs Temari, but Temari can't hug because he starts to sweat, he's shaking and he's very nervous. Temari just looks at Mr. Lopez with a death glare, but Mr. Lopez also does the same]

You okay Temari? You seem a little, frightened

Mr. Lopez
Yeah. Are you okay Temari?

Yeah i'm fine, just didn't know Mr. Lopez was your dad...

[Mr. Lopez smirks]

Well uh... we should probably head out now. Goodbye da-

Mr. Lopez
I'll drive y'all

[Temari nerves gets even higher]

What? No dad, you don't have too

Mr. Lopez
Nah, don't worry about it sweetheart. Let's go

[Mr. Lopez grabs his keys and they all enter the car. They began to drive, but during the drive. Temari isn't saying a word and is very nervous and very scared]

So... um... how's your day Temari?

Let's say... it's just getting good

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