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(I'm glad i'm re-writing this bc oh lawdt this one was horrible😭)

I woke up to someone shaking me and I slapped the person hands and rolled over until I heard his voice "Ow that hurts" I turned back so fast "James?" I pulled him into a hug "Hey prettygirl" I pulled away looking a me "pretty what's so pretty about me just waking up" he laughed "Well get ready because we are going out for the whole day me and you" I nodded and said "Okay go so I can change" he left closing my door behind him as I got ready^.

Did everything I needed to do and as I was putting mascara on Javon called "Hey Javon" he gasped "Wow my first name" I laughed "What did you need hm?" I asked "Oh I was wondering if you wanted to come with me and Liam to this drive-in" I shook my head no "Mm I can't I'm hanging out with James, he just came out here" I felt bad not being able to go but James is here so. "Oh okay uhm have fun" I smiled "You guys have fun too" and then we hung up, I went downstairs now that I'm finished "So who's driving us" I asked "Oh I am" my eyes widen "Last time you said-" he cut me off "Shh no need to share the information, let's go" I laughed "Ok bye momma" she had said bye back as we left.

We first went to a café for some breakfast and we talked about some old memories and about now. Then we went to the mall, James bought me any thing I had said I wanted which was so nice of him. Also tried some clothes on and showed him which he acted like a fashion designer or whatever telling me how good I looked which made me feel confident. Stopped by chick-fil-a and got some more food then went to a park to eat and play around like some big kids.

"So there's this drive-in tonight wanna go with me" he asked as we swung on the swings, I remembered that Javon and Liam is going so I said "Yeah that would be great". After a few more minutes at the park we went get ready for the drive-in. We went to a store buying some snacks and a blanket along with some drinks. It was 5:30 went we got there, only a few cars were parked and I didn't see Liam's mom car or Javon's so they mustn't be here yet.

6:50 hit and the area was packed full of cars and I couldn't spot Liam or Javon sadly. The movie started and it lasted for and hour and a few minutes. After that we got pizza for the family because my mom asked us to, while on the way back home James said "Soo y/n I know that we been friends for only 2 months but, uhm I really started to develop feelings for you and I like you" I was shocked then remembered Leah "Aren't you with Leah" he shook his head "We broke up, so would you want to be my girlfriend" I did have a crush on James at one point but I don't know about now.

I said something that I probably would regret later on but oh well "Yea I would love to" he smiled and took a hold of my hand "That's great thank you for giving me a chance" . We got back to my place and I thanked James for dropping me home and that I'll call him later then he left. I walked inside putting the pizza on the counter "Mom, Dad uhm me and James...are dating" my Dad whipped his head around facing me "Sweetie what the fuck" Mom slapped his chest "That is great honey" I smiled at my mom. "Uh nuh uh not great I rather that boy that walked you home the other night" my dad said "Javon?" I asked and he shook his head.

"Oh no he was just a friend" my dad squinted his eyes "Just a.. friend okay whatever, but if he hurts you I'll beat the hell out of that James kid". "Okay Dad love y'all" they told me they loved me back before I went upstairs to shower. Once I was out I called James on facetime and we stayed on call, through the night we talked and laughed until a soft knock on my window was heard by only me "Hold up" I told James going open my window.

"Hey Clydee what you up too" Javon asked until he heard James speak "Baby who's that", "Uhm just my friend" I said before putting him on mute. "So when we're you going to tell us you had a boyfrienddd" he said teasingly but his face showed jealousy but I shrugged it off. "We just got together soo if you could leave before he gets suspicious about something" he raised his hands "Okayy I'm leaving have funn" he said while leaving.

I closed my window going back on the phone "Okay I'm back" "Why does your friend sound like a boy" I rolled my eyes "She got a deep voice sadly" he laughed "Okay chill on your friend love" I laughed too and we continued back to our conversation we had earlier, and soon after we fell asleep.

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