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"Yeah he texted me but I'm not gone text his ass back yet the fuck, I'm gone handle him on my own time" I sipped my drink. Last thing I need Rashad to think was that he was running something.

We were now at brunch. We all got pretty in pink and white and took pictures before eating. I posted mine 5 minutes ago.

"You eighteen still playing these kid games text that focking man back" Moonie said making Mal laugh.

"Hell no" I put my drink down and my phone buzzed showing a notification.

Rshadd commented on your post.

This nigga commented under my post with the heart eyes and a petty ass laughing emoji.

"Y'all this nigga laughing up under my damn picture" I held the phone out to show Moonie and Mal.

"That man crazy, that emoji for crazy folks" Mal laughed and Moonie gave an mhm.

"Wait a minute girl" Moonie said like she noticed something. "Your dumbass done sat up here and put your location bitch I'm weak"

"If you had opps they woulda been smoked ya" Mal continued laughing.

I have to admit that was a dumb move. But I doubt he would hones-

The restaurant bell rang and to my surprise and apparently my surprise only, Rashad walked in scoping the place till his eyes landed on me.

"Like fucking clockwork" Mal said lowly to Moonie as they slapped hands and laughed to themselves, I only rolled my eyes.

He slid into our booth right beside me.

"Hey everybody" he spoke.

"Hey Rashad" Moonie and Mal spoke in unison making me internally groan.

"What you doing here Rashad?" I asked him.

He turned towards me taking in my appearance.

"You look good." He spoke lowly. I know I did.

30 inches of straight Brazilian fell down my back, a natural glam set my face and the pastel pink dress I wore hugged my curves in a way I bet he wish he could. And my white heels complimented my white toes and full set well.

His phone rang and he looked at it and silenced it making the taste in my mouth turn bitter.

"I know" I flicked my hair over my shoulder making him smirk.

Moonie and Mal continued a conversation among themselves about whatever. I was trying to pay attention but the truth was whenever Rashad was around I couldn't pay attention to shit but him.

"You ignoring me now?" He asked leaning over and letting his arm rest on the back of the booth behind me. He was so close I could smell the mint gum on his breath and I wanted nothing more than to stick my tongue in his mouth and retrieve it.

I held my composure even though it was so easy to come undone when his scent engulfed me and he was so close. My mind flooded with visions of us from two weeks ago.

I kept my poker face as I turned my attention toward him with a glare.

"Like you been doing me the last few weeks?"

"That's what you call it?" Amusement sparked in his dark eyes.

"That's what you call it" I mocked. "Shut the fuck up" I spat before he grabbed my jaw, tightly but firmly, and pressed his lips against my ear.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2022 ⏰

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