Whats Broken Can Be Fixed

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I walked past the burn and broken branches once one, hoping no one was around. I was looking for anything, just one thing. I just needed to know that I wasn't going mad, and I really didn't want risk my life asking Chris. Maybe I just past out after chris beat me up and my mind just wanted me to feel like I was saved when I really wasn't. As sad as that logic was, it was the only thing making sence right now. I sighed and sat on a log that was near the swings.

",what did I do to have this kind of life," I muttered, I didn't hate everything, I guess I just hate myself, for never really standing up for myself and just letting them do what they liked. And its not like I'm the only one. I'm sure others have had things worse then I got it.

Freakin hell, what am l meant to do. I yelled in my head as I shot up and stormed around the park. Its not like I can turn my sexuality on and off, it don't work that way, idiots.

I soon gave up on my reason for being at the abandoned park and slowly walked home. On the way out I trip over a long, thick stick. I curse at myself and picked myself up, but when I turned around I was surprised to see the very leopards I came to find standing behind me. I fell to the ground yet again, but this time it was pure shock and fear.

They just stood there and watched me, again like they were waiting for something. What? Were they waiting for the some sort of fight before they slowly enjoyed my flesh. I shivered at the thought, but as I looked into their deep golden eyes I saw sadness and fear. Why? Why wouldn't they just eat me and get it over with it. I didn't want anyone's pity, now I had gotten an animal's. Does anyone know how it even feel, it makes me dirty and freakin weak, I hate it.

Tears of hate started to slipped down my face, I griped the sticks and dirt under my hands. My hatred and other emotions mix, my voice soon turned to bitter sobs. But what surprised was the big cats in front of me came cuddled into me in attempt to calm me down. It worked..slowly, but it worked.

I spent the rest of my day with the leopards, playing, chasing and just plain messing around. And for the first time in years I laught, over and over again. It felt amazing to actually have random fun and laugh at how stupid we were. It help me out of that dark that I knew I was sinking into.

That night I slept peacefully thinking of my new leopard friends...

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