The whole thing was Olaf's fault, really.
Jeannie Lupin would have never been caught dead talking to Regulus Black if it weren't for her niffler's infuriating sticky fingers.
Yet now, with her fingers curled tightly in Regulus' hair and his lips pr...
the fountains mingle with the river and the rivers with the ocean, the winds of heaven mix for ever with a sweet emotion; nothing in the world is single; all things by a law divine in one spirit meet and mingle. why not i with thine?—
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see the mountains kiss high heaven see the waves clasp one another; no sister-flower would be forgiven if disdained by its brother; and the sunlight clasps the earth and the moonbeams kiss the sea what is all this sweet work worth if thou kiss not me? - love's philosophy by percy bysshe shelley