112. Car Crash

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Among the three names singled out, YiHan's suspicions were mainly focused on Wei Quan. All because of the "mental illness". He picked up his phone and called one of his bodyguards.

"Chen Feng (Bodyguard A)," he said. "Come here for a moment."

Soon, the tall Chen Feng walked into the room and respectfully greeted YiHan, "Little Master."

YiHan held out a paper with three men's information he'd copied off the email and said, "Arrange for some men to look into them without anyone knowing. I want to know how they're doing, where they're going and who they're talking to. Also, I want someone to keep an eye on them at all times. Do not let them leave your sight. Be quick about it. Remember. Don't let anyone know about this."

"Yes, sir," Chen Feng gravely said, accepting over the paper. "Don't worry, Little Master. I'll have it done as soon as possible."

"Among the men by my side," YiHan said with a nod. "You're the most level-headed. I'm at ease with you in charge of this. Go."

Chen Feng's manly iron-clad heart was instantly touched. His two eyes shimmered (twinkled?) bright as he loudly replied, "I will not let you down!" Then, he strode out with a confidence he'd never had before.

Chen Feng worked quick. He called YiHan to report in that very evening.

"Little Master, the men are all ready. Li Mao and Tang JianPing are fine but there's something off about Wei Quan," said Chen Feng.

"What is it?" YiHan froze in fear.

"After he was fired, he didn't have a good time," Chen Feng replied. "He went on to be a security guard in places like hotels and malls, but his mental health seemed unstable. He could never keep the job for long. He lives in the western districts. The only one living with him is his mother, a widow. He would frequently boast and gripe about how Miss XueQing is his woman but she'd ran off with another man. No one else in his neighbourhood knows of Miss XueQing so they thought it's true. Some even think the 'woman running off' made his illness worse."

"This bastard!" YiHan spat through gritted teeth. He was fuming. "How dare he ruin XueQing's reputation!"

"He was so confident and believable in his story," came the reply over the phone. "It seems like he too believes that's the truth. However, that's not the most important information. A few days ago, a pretty young lady suddenly appeared. She even stayed the night. Since then, she'd been appearing quite often. Wei Quan's temper has also gotten more explosive. He would frequently mutter stuff like 'kill him, kill her'. His neighbours have started avoiding him at all costs. Just now, he and that woman went to a shady car rental shop. They rented a car but the woman didn't get on. Wei Quan drove off alone. Our men are now following him."

A chill spread through YiHan's body. Immediately, he was reminded of Chen TianYang's gruesome body from the last life.

"Where is my sister now?" he shouted into the phone.

"I don't know," Chen Feng replied, confused. He didn't think the Little Master would be that agitated from the news.

YiHan hurriedly hung up and called XueQing. He called and called but her number was busy the whole time.

By now, YiHan was overtaken with panic. He called Chen TianYang and, fortunately, the man quickly answered.

"YiHan?" TianYang said. "Is there something you need?"

"TianYang, are you with my sister now?" YiHan's words rushed out of his mouth.

"No, I'm at my office. Did something happen?" TianYang was baffled.

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