120. Demon in a Human's Skin

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Tao Qi's mouth opened and closed but she couldn't say a word.

An eerie smile spread across YiHan's mouth as he asked, "What's your name?"

"I'm Tao Qi," she replied, mind still in a haze.

The man let out a chuckle. "The same name? Tao Qi, you must've heard of a saying, 'character is destiny'. Nothing can't be changed. Over a single lifetime, we would face endless choices. Every decision could have a lasting impact on our lives. It could even change our fates forever. The phrase I've heard you use the most often is 'it shouldn't be like this'. You don't understand. There's nothing in this world that 'should' go a certain way. If you want something, then you must work equally hard for it."

He then took a step closer and bent down to look at Tao Qi straight in the eye. "You want to be with JingYuan," he said, "is it because you love him? I think not. Let me guess. Is it because of his status? His family background? His looks? Or is it so you can live a luxurious life as Mrs Mu?

"Have you ever thought about why you'd end up here? Why the previous Tao Qi could be Madam Mu while you can't? You could even predict the future. What a grand advantage it is, yet you're now being held captive. Perhaps you'd be imprisoned soon. Yes?" Time to bait her out.

Naturally, Tao Qi fell for it. "How did you know I'm a transmigrator?" she gasped in horror.

A transmigrator? YiHan frowned and steadily continued, "I've told you. You are way too different from Tao Qi. There's nothing in common between you two, other than your faces. You also know so much more, things that she shouldn't have known. How could anyone not be suspicious?"

"I'm just a normal girl," she said, tears streaming down her cheeks. "I've transmigrated into a novel. I thought it'd be my chance to turn over a new leaf. But why? Why has everything gone wrong? I only want a better life. I'm just not willing to accept being a nobody for my whole life. I've worked so hard to survive. Why must you all do this to me?"

"I've already said that different choices lead to different endings," he said. "You know plenty about the future. If you just wanted a better life, you could've come to me and I could've given you a carefree life. Even if you'd just appeared before me to give me a mere reminder that could've helped my sister and brother-in-law avoid being placed in danger. This is just an example. If you use the information in your brain well, you might already be at the top of the world. You wouldn't need to be a mistress. You wouldn't need to be anyone's wife. You could ensure a life of riches for yourself just through your own work. Unfortunately, you chose the wrong path."

Tao Qi's eyes widened. The tears rolled faster downwards. She screeched in pain, "It's not like that! I clearly could've been a CEO's wife just by going along with the plot! It wouldn't just be a life of riches!"

"See," YiHan said with a languid wave. "This is what I mean by character is destiny. Greed is forever endless. You're not innocent in this ending. Your avarice led you to this. In that case, why don't you tell me about my death. You said I'd die roughly three years from now. Then, according to what you know, what happened after I died?"

"You're afraid of death too?" Tao Qi smirked. "Haha! Why should I tell you?"

YiHan's poker face remained unmoving. His voice was as calm as a still ocean, "Maybe you've forgotten your place. I'm not begging you. You think you have the right to refuse to speak?"

Tao Qi's eyes coldly bore into him. Her lips remained shut.

YiHan glanced at her before looking down to the toolbox in his hand. He placed it on a table nearby. With a press of his slender fingers, the box opened with a clack. He slowly lifted the lid, revealing a row of brand-new sparkling tools. It had everything from pliers to wrenches.

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