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Thank you, thank you, thank you sooooooooo much @Akane_uchiha_uzumaki for the ideas. 

Everyone without @Akane_uchiha_uzumaki I probably would have never updated. Please do check out their stories their stories are amazing. 

I know I've said this many times but thank you so much @Akane_uchiha_uzumaki 😌   


"Maybe we should lock him here in the castle." 

"No bad Idea."

"But my King!" 

"If we lock him here, they'll know where he is and attack till, they take him dead" With that the man with a ponytail stepped down on his knee. "We're going to have to take him away some were far. Far away from this place." 

Minato spoke and got up and walked out. "Don't tell Naruto that we have arrived. We'll be back in a few." 

Kushina followed Minato out the main room and to their room. He noticed the library door closed as it was when they had left. "Iruka!" 

Iruka hurried into and room and bowed. "Yes, my King." 

"Has Naruto been in the library yet?" Minato asked and watched a shocked expression on Iruka. "I'm afraid he has but I had caught him and took the book of secrets away from him." 

Minato looked shocked. "Alright. You may leave and where is the book now?" 

"Its back in there and I had left the key under your pillowcase." Minato nodded and Iruka left closing the doors. "Didn't you leave the key there for him to look in?" Kushina asked. 

"I did but it seems like he was halfway into finding why this is happening." Minato frowned and turned to his wife.

 "Kushina take the book and let's take it with us. Naruto doesn't need to find out about the turth we're here to protect him." Kushina nodded and opened the library by taking the key that was under the pillowcase. She entered and found the book in a instead. A frown came up to her face.  

'I'm sorry Minato but Naruto must know, or else history will repeat itself.'  Kushina grabbed the fake copy she had made a while ago afraid that they would lose it. She had made the copy the exact same as the old one. Everything in it was written by her hand. She had even translated the words in there. Grabbing the old worn-out book, she placed it in her bag and grabbed the copy hiding it in her dress.

She came outside and watched as Minato had already packed their belongings. "We're leaving!?" She shouted. 

"Be quite or else we'll wake Naruto up." Minato hushed.

"Yes, we're leaving." 

"B-but what about Naruto!? Our baby!!?" Minato walked up to her placing his hands on her shoulders. "Don't worry. We'll first find a good spot for him and then we'll come back for him. It's too dangerous to bring him with us. After finding the Uchiha's we have no promises that we'll keep him safe with us." Kushina stood there in shock as Minato went back to packing. "Alright let's get going." 

He spoke and picked up their things but soon was taken by a servant. On their way of leaving Kushina stopped. Minato looked back at her. "What is it? We have to get going." 

"C-can I please just see Naruto again before leaving." She pleaded with tears in her eye's. Minato wanted to say no but he himself wanted to see his son before leaving. He nodded and walked with her to his room. 

Naruto laid on his bed sleeping peacefully with his window wide open. The wind blew in the room make it cold. Minato quickly shut it up before anything could happen. Kushina sat on the side of his bed and kissed his forehead. "Sleep well son." 

Minato hurried up and left. Kushina was left behind. The door was closed and now only her and Naruto stayed. She hurried and looked around. She found Naruto's traveling bag he loved so much since he was younger. She hurried and placed the book in there. Suddenly the breeze from the window came. 'Didn't Minato close it?'

She looked back and her eye's widened. "What are you doing?"

They're stood Sasuke Uchiha with his long black wings spread wide as the moonlight hit his back. He had his horns, but his body stayed as humans. Kushina hurried and ran to Naruto holding him. She shield Naruto from him. 

"Go away! I can't let you take my son and kill him." She spoke with a glare in her eye. "What?" Sasuke asked with confusion. Kushina grunted his teeth. "Well, aren't you going to kill him because of what he is!?" 

Sasuke just stared at her with a raised eyebrow. "Why would I kill him?" 

"Because he's a fox witch. The only one that would wipe out this whole world in a second!" Kushina continued. "And because he's my so-"

"I have no intention of killing someone dear to me." 

Kushina looked up at him shocked. "Dear?"

"Yes, Naruto had been there for me even when death came. I rather protect him from the others then kill him myself." 

Kushina stared up at him shocked. She bit her lip and looked down at Naruto's sleeping face. His face was just so peaceful. She gave up and looked back the raven demon. "Please Sasuke Uchiha. Protect my son form everything harmful. Please don't get him killed." She begged. Sasuke stared at her in shock and nodded agreeing on what she had asked. Kushina smiled and one last time kissed Naruto on the forehead.  

Tears formed in her eyes as she left the room. 

Sasuke just watched at what had happened. 

"It all makes sense now."



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