The Gloom

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She stands in the shadows watching him. She's done this for weeks now. Well, she's done this for much longer, centuries even. She'd been lost to the Gloom long ago. Loneliness, all she's known since.

His eyes are bright in the waning sunlight. A stunning shade of blue as his face shines with the colors of the setting sun. He's breathtaking and her breath hitches when he turns just right, his profile looking beautiful with splashes of each color reaching around to grasp his attention. She will paint him; just like all the others. This is her only reprieve from the neverending darkness.

She gasps softly when a woman approaches the man and he smiles. That smile is heavenly, but she's sad that it's for another. She'd never act on her desires; fore the man could never see her. She misses the simplicity of her old life. She's lost many a lover over the years and tries to refrain from doing so once again.

Once the man and woman are gone, she stands under the moon and sings. Her eyes are bright with tears and her face is cast in in an ethereal glow of pale blue.

"She lives in murk and shadow~"

Her voice is soft and sorrowful.

"Cold as the alleys of stone~"

Unbeknownst to her, the man from before has returned to his favorite spot to stargaze.

"She's a blur in the window~"

The man stops in his tracks and stares, wide eyed, at the pale woman.

"A prisoner of the underworld~"

He listens to the soft tones of her voice with awestruck features. She's the most beautiful woman he's ever laid eyes on.

"She watches life from The Gloom~"

The sadness in her voice grows as he watches her from the shadow of the tree she'd watched him from previously.

"Friends she lost...and lovers too~"

His heart breaks for her. She has a picturesque light upon her glowing features and he wishes to capture the moment.

"That simple life she once knew~ Before the cursed dark consumed..."

Her voice sends shivers down the man's spine as he feels the darkness creep in around him.

"And every clock is broken. And every step is hopeless... Living in The Gloom~"

Her vocals grow and he stands there enthralled by the sound.

"And every day gets longer till no one can remember her... Lost in The Gloom~"

His breath hitches as tears begin to slowly trail down her face. She pauses her singing to look down at her clasped hands before looking up at the moon.

"She sings a song to the moon~ The loneliest song you ever knew~"

The man places his hand over his mouth to keep from calling out to her.

"Of friends she lost... Lovers too~"

Her voice is softer now and the man's eyes shine with unshed tears.

"Of life before she fell to Gloom~"

The low tones of her voice allow him the knowledge that her song is coming to an end and he prepares to introduce himself.

"She watches life from The Gloom~"

She begins to turn from the moon and looks down to the ground.

"Friends she lost...and lovers too~"

She doesn't move and neither does he as he contemplates how he would begin to introduce himself.

"That simple life she once knew~ Before the cursed darkness consumed..."

She stands there for only a few moments before starting to walk away.

As soon as the man moves to speak, shadows wrap around her body and she disappears. He's left in and awe and confusion, looking ti where she once stood. He wipes his hand down his face and wonders if he imagined her to be there or if she was just an illusion brought on by his brother.

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