Difficulty in the server

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'Your connection has been lost. Please re-connect to your Wi-Fi or contact ******* for more information.'

Test Tube sighed. Maybe the disconnection was for the best, they couldn't bare reading anymore of whatever that was. She placed their phone on a counter and took a look at all their disorganized, piled up, and thrown around folders, towering every corner of the laboratory she stood in. Test Tube stood there and felt like they couldn't do anything. That.. fanfiction, was it called? The words from it really echoed inside her head.

"What exactly is the point of all my experiments..?" They wondered to themself, in a slightly raspy and quiet tone. Reading all those alternate universe versions of her, it all just confused her. Usually, being curious or confused would inspire them to do things, but they never realized that a few paragraphs could stun them and scare them off like that. "Do I actually act like that?.. Am I some sort of mad scientist everyone is scared of? No, that's impossible. My experiments aren't *that*violent, are they? I-I mean, the most problematic experiment was with that bow-in-nator,  but that only affected me.. " She contemplated for a few more seconds. Maybe those stories had gotten to them. Afterall, she hadn't left her lab in quite a while. 5 days to be exact, but that wasn't really a new record. They took off their lab coat, folded it up and placed it on an empty counter. They did the same to her pair of glasses, closing them and placing them on top of the folded lab coat.


The bright sun shined into Test Tube's dark, baggy eyes. She squinted before putting a hand over her eyes and walked over to Hotel OJ, where an patient of hers stayed after being transferred from a closet. I guess. Anyways, in Hotel OJ, there was a patient of theirs that would visit very frequently. They weren't really friends, but then again the two were pretty close. On a couch near to the entranced of Hotel OJ, Fan and Tissues sat and talked a bit. Supposedly having a sequel to the last interview? Like a trivia page? Anyways, Test Tube passed the two and they both noticed them walk by,

"Hey Test Tube! I see you've finally come out of that lab of yours." Fan joked. Test Tube gave a small smile as Tissues gave her a small wave. With a short smile, Test Tube made a small yawn, "Yeah, motivation to leave kinda ran low and I had a room to sleep in anyways. It wasn't a huge deal!" 

"Oh! Did you see that story I linked to you? The fans are pretty creative, aren't they? I loved the details, even though it was a bit.. Violent" 

Oh right, that story fan recommended to her. "OH THAT! W-Well. You see..! Um, I don't really think it's.. Heh! Umm-" Before Test Tube could finish their response, Tissues interrupted, "You didn't like it, yeah we know. Wow, I know more about Test Tube than you, Fan. And I was eliminated first which was kinda dumb if you ask me. I totally deserved to when the million." Tissues continued talking about how he shouldn't had been last place and how good he was at the game. Fan felt bad and chuckled nervously, "Sorry I sent you *that* one. I forgot that you don't really like.. HORROR genres, heh..!" 

"Oh, it's fine! That one specifically was kinda awkward to read, considering it was me who was the antagonist, but I can understand why you liked it so much." Test Tube looked to the side. Fan smiled, "Again, I'm so sorry about that Test Tube! I can send you something better if you want? I can send something wholesome, sci-fi, or maybe slice o-" Test Tube put their finger up to his mouth and smiled. She then started to walk away from the two and headed up-stairs.

"Well that went terribly." Tissues said. "Really? Wow, I had no idea." Fan muttered, sarcastically. He sighed then held his head. "Now I feel bad, great." Tissues wanted to say something reassuring, but knowing he wasn't very good at that type of stuff, he just put his hand on Fan's back and thought up the best thing he could think of to say, "Do you wanna continue that trivia thingy and talk to Test Tube about it later?" Fan looked back at him, somewhat confused. "I thought you said it was pointless earlier? Didn't you *not* wanna do it?" Tissues knew he didn't wanna do it but then again, wouldn't just sitting in silence just feel like the same torture? "Yeahhh, but I don't think I could do anything else since my condishawn scares everyone off.. So, let's just get it over with.


[Test Tube's POV (It'll switch like this every once in a while)]

I feel bad. I don't think I should've said anything about that.. 'Fanfic'. I never knew the viewers were so brutal like that. I made my way to my room, just to go back to isolating myself. How fun, I told myself. Why am I thinking so much about theses things? That story probably wasn't even bad compared to the other things that could be out there. But, could it really get any worse than me torturing the others for my science and then dying at the end? Just to be hated and arrested? I don't want to fall down that path! Who knows the many ways that could become real?! I just want these thoughts to stop circulating in my head! Please, I just don't want to end up as a bad person! Maybe I should stay even farther away from the internet. I don't want anything else like that to haunt me more.

But what if this is all because I'm tired? Maybe I'm sleep deprived? That must be it. I'm sure once I wake up, I'll be feeling just like myself! I take melatonin, put in my cork to make sure my liquid doesn't spill, and lay on my bed. 

I lay there,

and lay there,

and lay there..

and lay there...


 Oh. Now I'm asleep. Good..


[I struggled to write a bit of this because I kept forgetting but hey!! My first real II fic! Hopefully I don't run out of more ideas lol]

{Word count: 1061}

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