chapter 21

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"can't you just stay.." Takemichi said as he held Kakucho shirt

"Don't worry Mi-chan I'll be back soon" Kakucho said thinking that Takemichi will miss him

Takemichi who knows what would happen to Kakucho and his parents, tries persuade his friend to not go

"I just feel like something bad will happen if you leave!" Takemichi shouted as he pulled Kakucho into a hug with tears forming in his eye

"Lucky bastard" Sanzu muttered under his breath, jealous that Takemichi is hugging Kakucho

And Ran and Rindou nods in agreement that Kakucho is a lucky bastard

"Nothing will happen, so don't worry okay Mi-chan" Kakucho said as he pat's Takemichi head

"Kakucho cmon we will be leaving soon" Kakucho's mom yelled

Takemichi reluctantly let's go of Kakucho, he couldn't save his parents..

Kakucho said his goodbyes to the others and pat's Takemichi head once more

"Don't worry I'll be fine" Kakucho smiled at takemichi

"Don't worry I'll be fine" Kakucho smiled at takemichi

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Kakucho and his family had left to Yokohama

And Takemichi couldn't stop them, he couldn't stop Kakucho's parents death..

Takemichi slap both of his cheeks 'maybe they won't die.. the future is changing so maybe they'll be optimistic Takemichi!' Takemichi thought to himself

His thoughts were interrupted when Sanzu called for him

Takemichi look up to see sanzu and the Haitani brothers holding a bag of popcicle

"Don't be sad Hana-chan you still have us, here have some popcicle" Ran said as he pats Takemichi's head and gave him a popsicle

"I'm worried that something bad will happen" Takemichi mutter under his breath

But it didn't go past the three boys

"Don't worry Kakucho will be fine~ he's Kakucho after all" Sanzu said trying to cheer up Takemichi

'i know Kaku-chan will survive and will be okay..but his parents.. I'm worried for all of them' Takemichi thought to himself

Takemichi then sighed before he continues to suck his popcicle, While sanzu watches him [you wish that was you huh]

Takemichi then sighed before he continues to suck his popcicle, While sanzu watches him [you wish that was you huh]

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