chapter 23

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Lucia's POV

Not gonna lie this party was boriiing
but being able to spend time with amelia was worth it even tho alot of those riche man were looking at her like she was a piece of meat I wanted to punch them straight in the face but of course I couldn't I spotted wionna a couple of times she was mostly near the buffet I am glad no one saw her yet "hey princess"
"Yes love"
"I'm bored"she giggled at me and said
"I know but it's only a matter of time before we get out " I sighed at the thought of being forced to stay here any longer I swear it's like school all over again but what can I do

Amelia's POV

I agree with lucia it was boring I hated artist like that but it was our only way to get rid of the emperor as I looked around I saw wionna desperately trying to get my attention she mouthed that it was time I nudged Lucia and whispered "come on let's go and change " she nodded and we made our way to the rest room where a couple was having sex we ignored them and walked into an empty stall and changed into our normal outfits and wionna who joined us gave lucia her bat as well as a bag for us to put our clothes in 
We got out of the toilets , lucia and wionna would lead the guests out of the building while I activate the glyphs it was no surprise that Lucia hated the idea of me staying in to do the dangerous work but she had no other choice than do go according to the plan

The guests excused themselves one after the other and started leaving the ball the emperor didn't think so much of it but when the ball room became half empty I knew he was suspecting something

In the meantime I was walking around the pillar and tapping the glyphs but they were different than the normal ones those glyphs would give me enough time to leave before the building collapsed after I finished I left the ball but I guess I miscalculated the time that I had left because I didn't get 10 feet away before the explosion threw me away I hit the ground hard and my vision got blurry I saw the building collapse and the body of the emperor lit on fire while he screamed in pain I heard someone run and the next thing i know was that I was in lucia's arms she looked at me and said"it's OK I got you " then everything went black after that

Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed this chapter ❤ don't forget to comment your thoughts and vote if possible love you all so much

Bye ❤

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