Fish, Birds, Humans and ice

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Niki was plunged into water, refreshing on her dehydrated skin and a breath of fresh air. However, darkness shrouded the waves, blocking the silver moonlight and casting an almost eerie shadow over her. 

Upon the surface, she found lilly pads, bright with torch light and inhabited with people and buildings. Above them, towers of white and prismarine, ethereal and unlike anything at home. It was refreshing, seeing something that looked straight out of a fairy tale, royal and fit for queendom.

Laughter rang from the tower, figures of black waltzing to a song she had never heard. They could help her, obviously at home here; could even point her in the direction of Scott.


The prisma palace was filled with the soft giggles of Lizzie and Joel, trying to teach themselves how to dance and failing miserably. The day had been long and slow, duties of an emperor and countless issues to solve. It wasn't often that they got alone time anymore, kingdoms thriving and busy with people and trades.

Yet they could never have time uninterrupted, it just wasn't possible.

Suddenly, a girl appeared in Lizzie's sight, tired but smiling. Shy. The ocean queen hadn't seen anything like her. She wasn't an axolotl, yet she was some form of fish hybrid. It wasn't unheard of for other species to appear, yet her empire was small, word would have spread quicker than fire.

Joel and Lizzie watched as she casually walked to the water and came back out, still seeming reserved and lost.


"Hello." she sounded so unsure of herself, Joel wondered if it was someone apart of his wife's empire after all, unknowing of riyal customs to bow as she fiddled with her Jumper.

"Hi....ummmm." The brunette wasn't fond of talking for Lizzie, but the empress seemed to be asking more questions in her head than out loud.

"Call me Niki!" The other hybrid smiled, innocent and oblivious. Joel had some pity on her, standing in front of two rulers could be intimidating at times. Especially as they were both extremely tall.

"Hello Niki, mind telling us what you need?" the emperor spoke softly, scared of frightening the obviously anxious guest.

"I'm just looking for my brother."


Lizzie came to her sense then. No one had a sibling here apart from Scott, and Xornoth was trapped in a crystal.

"I'm sorry, but no one here has a sister in the server."

"Oh I'm from ummm....outside the server." Lizzie was shocked. Somehow they had managed to join? She supposed it could slide for the motive. That still didn't explain who she was thinking her relative was though.

"If you don't mind me asking Niki, who is your brother?"

"Scott Major."

"The King of Rivendell!" Lizzie wouldn't allow herself to believe this sweet girl was related to the icy and cold elven king, she refused. Plus, he never mentioned having a family, always sticking to solitude, uncaring and work-oriented.

"I think? We didn't know he had a title."


"The other people I came with."

"There are others!?"

"8 others yeah."


Jimmy had decided to go to his sister with the avians, maybe she knew what to do. He couldn't tell them Scott had fled weeks ago, leaving behind a cold chill as he went. The blonde couldn't bring himself to do it, watch as their faces were painted in defeat.

The two men were at his sides as the empire came into view, quiet gasps filling his ears. It was magnificent really, the palace and green surrounding it. He wasn't surprised to see his company's faces awe-struck by the sheer dedication that had gone into creating the empire.


"Niki!" Tommy ran forward to tackle his sister into a hug, the fish gladly returning it. Phil walked over calmly, also joining the cuddle. He silently laughed as the three watching looked at each other in shock.


"Another one of the family?"

"Yeah, this is my daughter, Niki." the girl smiled at Jimmy, the cod hybrid returning it with a wave. He noted she was also a fish breed, some form of axolotl, human concoction. 

Honestly he was happy she was anything but a salmon. 

However, that meant more people searching for Scott. The King unable to see them as he left his empire in the inexperienced hands of his advisors. Jimmy hoped the elf came home soon, his empire suffering slightly as trades and news carried towards the mountain range much slower than before.


Scott could hear his communicator buzzing violently yet he was unfazed. The constant stream of noise had less since bothered him. The ex- emperor would rather read or sit and mope. Occasionally, he would check if an emergency had occurred that he was desperately needed for.

It never came.

He wasn't complaining, but he wanted an opportunity to prove and redeem himself. Allow his powers to finally do more than create an ice castle never to be seen by eyes other than his own. Maybe, one day, he could impress someone with his beautiful magic, glistening blue and sweet bitter.

He wanted Jimmy back.

Wanted the thawing warmth and effortless kindness. It made a difference to the isolation he had always had, hidden in the mountains without a family as he learnt to rule and survive on his own. But that would never come, not while ice grew taller and his palace could shatter at any second.


Joel was still slightly confused at the situation. He knew they were here with more siblings and a mother, but what he didn't understand was the constant talk of Scott. The man was practically ice, hard and bitter, he never let anyone in the walls that were built from early on.

The only person the brunette had seen do it was Jimmy, once, on that date so long ago. Whilst his Brother was ruining their lives. The blonde only seeing it as an alliance however, but that was Jimmy for you, Joel thought, oblivious to what was stood directly in front of him.

Unknowing to something he had wanted for years.


It's back baby! Updates will be slow but I'm hoping to have an update every 1-2 weeks!

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