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"Adora! Adora, stay awake!"

Catra's heart was racing with panic. Adora blinked weakly at her, the green veins on her face increasing. They matched the sinister beams of light spiraling around them. Catra looked from her friend to the Heart. She tried not to be indifferent toward the green energy emitting from it as each of light pierced the Heart's center, injecting it with corrupt code. She knew Adora would care.

This is all your fault! She couldn't help thinking angrily toward the Heart of Etheria. My friend is dying!. . . Because of you!

Catra turned her helpless gaze back to Adora in her arms. Adora was looking at her, guilt in her eyes.

"I'm sorry." She murmured.

Catra frantically held Adora's cheek, supporting her head as it attempted to flop to the side. Adora weakly caressed her hand, her gaze dimming.

"Adora!" Catra cried, tears streaming down her face. She lifted her friend, hugging her tightly to her.

"Adora!" She felt Adora go limp against her.

She quickly lowered her back down, so she could look at her. Adora's eyes were closed, her face blank in something deeper than sleep. Something closer to death.

"Adora! Please! You have to wake up!" She wailed desperately, then murmured softly,

"You can't give up. You have never given up on anything in your life. Not even me."

An image flickered in Catra's mind. Herself standing at a lit doorway. Below her, an empty chasm. . . She-Ra being dragged down to its depths by green cords of the corrupt code, her arm stretched out limply in futile attempt to reach the doorway.

She's so far down! Can she even hear me?

"So don't you dare start now!" She shouted down into the chasm, reaching her hand down hopelessly for Adora.

In that moment, Adora seemed closer. She was inches away, not miles.

Catra's heart lifted and pounded wildly as She-Ra's eyes opened, pain in their bright blue depths.

"It's too late." Adora mumbled, tears in the corners of her eyes. "I've failed."

"No! No!" Catra protested, panicking as she strained for Adora. In real life, she was vaguely aware of hugging Adora close again, tears streaming down her face. "I've got you! I'm not letting you go!"

Her fingers were mere centimeters from She-Ra's and she cried out in pure despair,

"Don't you get it! I love you. I always have. So, please, just this once. . ."

Joy mixed with her despair as she felt Adora's fingers intertwined with hers.


She was thrust back into the real world in that moment. The Heart was crackling and glowing brightly behind her, but she couldn't care less. That Heart could shatter and the planet die for all she cared. What she really cared about, what she really wanted to save. . . Was right in front of her. Laying listless in her arms as she hugged her tightly.

Adora, please! Please, come back!. . . Please come back. You are my best friend. . . You mean the world to me. You always have.

She thought she saw a flicker of that old memory passing again. Her and Adora. . . Young and innocent. . . Racing through those barrack hallways, laughing and giggling, joking. . . Those were the best days of her life. Without Adora. . . They meant nothing.

She pressed her face to Adora's neck and shoulder, and pleaded once more,


Catra lowered Adora down again, her eyes squeezed tight. The heart was glowing and exploding behind her, and she took no notice. Not until there was a bright flash of light right behind her.

She instinctively looked back and saw Adora's arm up behind her, shield in hand as green lightning threatened to strike down.

She stared in shock as the shield vanished and Adora's hand fell onto her back. Quickly, Catra looked back down at Adora.

Her friend's eyes were open and aware as she raised her head weakly.

"You love me?" She asked.

Catra laughed incredulously, relief making her breathless.

"You're such an idiot."

Adora's eyes were fixed on her, love and relief in her eyes as well.

"I love you, too."

Catra pressed her forehead to Adora's in pure relief, then hugged her tightly.

She cried when Adora finally hugged her back.

Agape (A She-Ra fanfic) [COMPLETE] Where stories live. Discover now