Author's Note

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Yes, I know I will probably piss a lot of people off. Yes, I'm aware I'll lose followers. Yes, I'm aware of the comments I'll be getting. This is not a defense. This is an explanation.

For those who are wondering, this was why my sister and I were so mad the other day.

Let's just get to it. I have already pointed out in my bio that I do not condone homosexuality. I love everyone as people and everyone deserves acceptance and love, but I will never say that homosexuality is okay. The Bible makes it very clear.

HOWEVER, that is not the main reason I wrote this! If that was the reason, I chose the wrong series and fandom to do that with, as there are a several other homosexual couples in this series. No, the issue I feel I'm satisfying here FOR MYSELF is coming from my geeky writer side. And YES, this is MY OPINION!

I feel how they ended the Catra-Adora relationship arch was (a) forced and (b) unnecessary.

Throughout the series (trying to keep it spoiler free) we see this very complex relationship between Catra and Adora. They grew up together, with Adora being favored by everyone and Catra being mistreated and ostracized by basically everyone. Yet, they were and are best friends. It was in full and complete honesty, one of the best relationship stories I have ever seen on screen. I adored it. It was complex, it was relatable, it was beautifully written and acted out. Whether you are against my opinion or for it, hopefully that is something we can agree on. The relationship was beautiful.

My issue. . . Is that the iconic scene that wrapped up their relationship story felt forced. It felt like it was something that they threw in last minute. Maybe something requested of the writer that they (he/she?) felt obligated to add.

As an author, one of the best words of advice I ever recieved was this: if it isn't necessary to the story plot for moving the story along, it doesn't need to be there. This. . . Was not necessary for the story plot in my opinion. It did not move the story along, it was easily removed without ruining the scene. I removed that simple part in my fic (literally, watched that scene as writing. That's all I removed) and it still resulted in the emotionally charged and dramatic  scene they were going for. In my opinion.

Let's look at another example to help understand. Spinnerella and Netossa. Lesbian couple, already married at the beginning. I don't have an issue with this (again, from a writing pointof viewl. Why? First, it's part of a character's backstory, and a backstory is a backstory (P.S. this goes for Bow's dads as well). Second, because it became relevant- very relevant- to the plot.


When Spinnerella is chipped, Netossa is ripped apart with grief as she is separated from her and forced to essentially view her as an enemy. Because of her love for Spinerella, she is driven and determined to get her back. This drive is the first stepping stone for the motive the remaining Rebellion members needed to make the plan to hack into the hive mind, and free all of Etheria from Horde Prime's control.

THIS is why I think it's relevant to the plot. It's essential for the storyline to be moved along, if you removed it (or even made it a best friend relationship) it would require a lot of rewriting to create the emotional drive needed. So yeah.

That's it. There you go.

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