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on one side of the wall, there was a picture frame of three people. they all looked like they were related, having dark lavender colored hair and the same colored eyes. two of them were twins, and one looked like a brother or son.

strands of salmon colored hair flew with the wind going through their window, her purple eyes turned to her best friend and the son.

her eyes held amusement when they glazed upon the house, and when they had not seen even a single lock of orange hair, they crinkled from laughter escaping her pretty lips.

"my, my..childe has run off again.." she giggled, leaning on another woman next to her to see what she's reading.

"miko, you're heavy."

"pfft.. just say you're too busy eating your dango, ei."

the purple haired woman ignored her and flipped another page of a novel she recently got interested in.

"scaramouche.. do get that ginger." ei muttered, eating a stick of dango from her plate in the living room while sitting next to her best friend named yae miko.

"yes, mom."


"hey girlie, hold still!"

a ginger said behind her, running up to the delinquents while holding up a fist.

but before he could lunch the males, he got elbowed in the throat by the (h/c)nette making him drop on his knees while hysterically coughing.


"don't interfere." she mumbled, still keeping her eyes on the delinquents in front of her after kicking the one who was going to smack a pipe on her head.

she raised her hand who's still holding a sharp rock and stabbed it in the back of his knees, making the second delinquent cry out in pain and kneel over to stop the bleeding on his legs.

after that, she rushed to get another rock from her pocket, using the bloody male as a stepping stone and jumped up to smash the third delinquent on the face with her lovely stone.

the (h/c) haired girl gracefully fell down on the ground, glaring at the now unconcious delinquents before meeting eyes with the ginger again.

his dead blue eyes widened from what she's done, deeming her a genius and one he must fight when he gets stronger.

(e/c) eyes squinted at him making the ginger gulp and look down immediately. he felt like he was being looked down by a god who found him nothing more than a piece of flesh.

'i'm really weak huh.. getting elbowed in the throat..' he thought while ruffling his locks, thinking that the girl in front of him was now judging him for not dodging her elbow.

and, maybe she was indeed judging him.

'his eyes resembles a dead fish.. how disgusting.'

she cringed, being reminded of her classmate osial who slapped her with his pet eel when she came over to his house for a school project.

without warning, the ginger suddenly jumped up and offered a hand for her to shake. he did his infamous close-eyed smile, bowing while introducing himself.

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