My omega mate

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After arriving at the Red Forest Pack, I could feel the tension in the air, and I wondered what that was about. My wolf was acting crazy and growling at me, telling me to go get his mate, but I couldn't see who it was as there was a small crowd that was circling someone.

'That someone is our mate, you idiot.' I growled at midnight to shut up so I could concentrate. What he said was right, that scent so earthy, and so Devine was coming off none other than my mate.

My growl was so loud and domineering that it had everyone trembling because they knew how powerful I could get.

I heard whimpers coming from my mate, so I made my way towards him, daring anyone to stop me. Once I was standing in front of him, my eyes became wide as I was taking in his appearance.

He has white hair and green eyes. He's so beautiful, not just handsome but beautiful as well. He's small, too, which would be so good for me. He walked up to me and craned his neck so that he could look at me.

“Y-you're my mate?” He asked in a fragile voice, and I nodded my head.

“Yes, I'm yours.” I replied and pulled him towards me for a hug. It was then I heard a commotion, and I looked around to find some. She wolves trying to control the men who were circling my mate.

“Don't worry about them. My family is just too overprotective of me. Those men are my brothers, and my parents are over there.” My mate said as he was pointing.

“And the She-wolves are my sister-in-law.” I nodded my head in understanding and let go of him so I could address them.

“Why would you try to stop me from getting to my mate when you know who I am?” I asked no one in particular, but someone was brave enough to answer.

“My name is Damon, and he is our brother. We can't just let him go with you over my dead body.” I heard crying coming from the woman who my mate said was his mother.

“What's your name, love?” I asked my mate, and he told me Arlo Quinn. I repeated his name, and it sounded so good coming from my mouth.

“My name is Jacob Valentine.” He nodded his head, and then I saw Landon running after a boy who looked scared as hell. Maybe that's his mate, but why was he running away from Landon? I don't care, though. All I know is I finally found my mate, and I felt like I would finally be able to relax.

“I know you are all protective of him, and I'm happy he's loved here, but you do know he will be leaving with me.” I said, and then the growling started once more.

“My son is not going anywhere. I'm sorry, Alpha King Jacob, but he should be with his family so we can protect him.” I groaned and looked at my mate, who shrugged his shoulders like he didn't care.

“You don't seem to get it. He is my responsibility from now on. You've had your share with him, and now it's my turn.” Everyone started talking at the same time, so I whistled, and they quieted down.

“Maybe we should take this inside so we can talk about your interference.” I said, and they all agreed with me. The one that said his name was Damon walked up to my mate and tried to take him from me, but one look, and he marched back to his mate after he saw how serious I was. Once we were all crammed up in the office, the arguments started, but I wasn't going down without a fight.

I never thought that I would be in this situation, but I'm glad because it showed me how much they cared about him and that they weren't abusing him.

“You don't understand. He's an Omega. He needs to be cherished and watched constantly.” Arlo's father said, and I agreed with him.

“Don't you think I don't know that? I would never mistreat my mate. I've been waiting for him for so long. Why should I even think about mistreating him?” I asked and sighed as I realized I wasn't getting anywhere with them.

“We want eyes on our brother twenty-four-seven. He's still so young and fragile.” One of Arlo's brothers said, and I heard a groan coming from him.

“You guys never let me do anything. You're always watching me, I'm lucky enough to be able to go to the bathroom without any of you or all of you barging in there to see if I'm alright! I wanted to go on patrol, to be useful to the pack, but you always tell me no!” Arlo shouted, and this time, I had to agree with them.

“You do know that you aren't allowed on patrols at all. That can be dangerous, love.” I said, and he rolled his eyes.

“I can hold my own. Snow is almost as big as their wolves, so why not? I haven't even been training because they can't bear seeing me get hurt, even if it's for my own good.” Wow, talk about being overprotective.

I could tell he was tired of it, but he should be cherishing it because I've gone to other packs and I have seen the way they treat their omegas and believe me, it's not a pretty sight.

I had to demote a few alphas, stripped them of their titles, and punished those involved with the act. I hate violence against the weak. That's one thing I won't tolerate.

“It's ok to think that they are overbearing, but I believe you are one of the lucky ones, you should be grateful to have such a family who will be there for you no matter what. But right now, I'm letting you all know that arlo is mine, my mate, so please don't interfere, or you will be punished if you try to keep us apart.” I replied, and they all looked pissed as hell.

“I mean, you do know that he and I are going to mate eventually, and I'll mark him too, so I do hope that won't be a problem.” The look I was giving them was scary as hell. I wanted them to see I wasn't going back down no matter what.

“We won't allow you to mate or mark him. Do you know how painful that would be for my son? I just can't sit back knowing he will be in so much pain.” Arlo's mother said, and I shook my head.

“But you do know that with the pain comes pleasure, and it will be unavoidable because we were destined to be together. Do you question the moon goddess about her pairing us together?” I asked, and they shook their heads.

“We could never question our goddess. It's just that we've been watching arlo for so long, making sure he's ok. We knew that this day would come, but we weren't expecting it so soon.” Another brother said, and I could tell that they didn't want to let him go.

“Tell you what, how about we come up with a truce or something? You come up with ideas as to how we can make this work, and I will see if I can allow it. Will that work?” They all got excited and agreed with what I was saying. I don't even know what I was going to do, but I will have to think of something to be with my mate.

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