Running from trouble

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“I'm not sure if we should, Jacob did warn me to stay here, and I really don't want to get into any trouble with him.” I explained to Micah, who groaned and shook his head.

I was talking to Malachi before when he came and pulled me away, saying he was bored and needed some excitement since Landon was training.

“We are teenagers for crying out loud. Of course, we would remain this age indefinitely, but as teenagers, we were supposed to get ourselves in trouble sometimes. If not, then we would just be lame.” He whines as he looks at me pleadingly.

“Fine, but if we get in trouble, I'm blaming you.” He smiled and grabbed my hand.

“Wouldn't have it any other way.” I shook my head and sighed.

“You're such a bad influence on me. You should be massaging my feet and feeding me grapes, but here you are annoying me.” I mumbled, and he glared at me and told me to hurry and get us out of here.

So I used the vanishing spell, Jacob didn't teach me anything. I had to learn by myself as the days went by. He's always so busy with other things that he tends to forget, but it's not like it's difficult to learn. Plus, you can say I'm pretty smart.

We appeared at the border, where Jacob was scaring the crap out of some rogues. Even I was trembling from fear as I looked at him. The asshole tried to get me soaked too by the storm he created, but I covered myself and Micah so we wouldn't get soaked.

I tried to hide my scent from them, but he somehow figured out Micah and I were there and called us out. I was scared, yes, but I could hold my own against Jacob any day.

My brothers came up to me and started checking on me to make sure I was ok. They were worried about my pup, but I asked them to back off because there was nothing wrong.

Damon, on the other hand, didn't believe me as he continued to fuss over me while I whined and asked him to leave me alone, which he eventually did.

Jacob took my hand and told me we were walking back since I was too stubborn to listen, but I didn't care. I would have laughed because they were soaked, but I didn't because I was in big trouble.

I had to find a way to escape, I didn't want to get punished, so I used the vanishing spell again, disappearing on them, which I'm sure would lead to a huge fight with Jacob.

I appeared in my old room at the red forest pack, not realizing that there were others here because I'd been left out of numerous things.

It was still the same, even though it was stripped of my posters and other items, that was all that was missing. All my furniture was there, but that's just about it.

I sat down on the bed and curled up, taking a deep breath as I tried to calm down. It was peaceful here, too. That's what I loved about this place. Too bad I had to move.

The door opened suddenly, and I held my breath as I saw someone walking in. He didn't see me because of the boxes he had in his hand. A girl walked in with him, not noticing my existence at all. I wondered how long I could go, curled up on the bed while watching them move in. I chuckled, which scared the crap out of them.

I would only question them later as to what they are doing here. Right now, I am enjoying watching them not paying any mind to their surroundings.

“What in the devil's nutcase are you doing here!?” The girl screeched so loud I thought my eardrum would burst. Her voice was annoying as hell.

“This used to be my room before I left. Now, want to tell me who you are and what you're doing here?” I asked in a soft tone so they could trust me enough to tell me.

“Oh! We are omegas, alpha Jacob brought us here to stay since we were being mistreated in our pack. I love it here so much.” The boy said, while his lips started trembling, and his eyes began to well up with tears.

“It's ok. I get it now.” I said, and he nodded his head while setting the boxes down and sitting next to me on the bed.

“So you're an omega like us?” The girl asked as she and I nodded my head.

“But you don't seem unhealthy like us. You look like you were taken good care of. With me, you can see my bones poking out because I wasn't allowed to have any meals apart from what I found in the garbage.” I didn't realize I was crying until the tears started falling from my eyes.

“I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you upset.” She said as she sighed and sat down.

“It's ok, it's just the hormones acting up, I'm pregnant.” They gasped and looked down at my belly.

“Congratulations, I'm happy for you.” The boy said, but he had a faraway look on his face. He got up and walked out, and the girl sighed while shaking her head.

“Don't worry about Jeremiah. He was once raped by our alpha, and he got pregnant. He had a miscarriage because he was constantly beaten and starved because of it. I don't even know why I'm telling you this, but it seems as if I can trust you.” I nodded my head as the tears started to come faster.

“I thought omegas could only get pregnant by their mates.” I said, and she shook her head.

“Jer is special. In his case, he can get pregnant by anyone with a high rank.” I felt down. I couldn't stop crying because of what she said.

“Go back to your mate, kid, that's where you belong. I can bet he must be worried about you.” I nodded my head and stood up, getting ready to vanish, when I stopped and started blushing when I realized what I was going to do in front of a stranger.

“I don't even know your name.” I said, and she smiled at me.

“My name is Claire.” she said, and I told her my name and that Jacob was my mate, and she nodded her head in understanding. I walked out of the room and vanished when I realized no one was looking.

Once I appeared back home, no one was there, so I guess they were out searching for me. I sent Jacob a mind link and told him I was here waiting for him to come and punish me since I knew he would want to.

I walked into our room in a daze and sat on the bed, crying because I couldn't seem to stop. That's how Jacob and my family found me, a crying mess. He didn't even say anything as he pulled me towards him for a hug, and I let him comfort me because that's what I needed the most right now.

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