Chapter 8

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"Sangonomiya-sama, the area is cleared! We have arrested the Fatui that has been incapacitated in the area, but the Traveler is nowhere to be found unfortunately." One of the Sangonomiya soldiers reported to Kokomi.

"I understand. It looks like we don't have a choice but to move on to plan X." Kokomi said with a bitter expression.

A few moments earlier, everyone was frozen in place by Hiro who left with a Fatui Harbringer. But as soon as he left, the ice that froze their feet quickly thawed and they were able to move shortly.

"What about Hiro? Any signs of him?" Kokomi asked the soldier.

"Unfortunately, just like the Traveler, he's nowhere to be found. The Fatui Harbringer must've brainwashed him and took him away." The soldier said angrily.

"That's a possibility; but for now, we should retreat to Watatsumi Island and interrogate the captured Fatui." The soldier nodded and gathered everyone.

Kazuha went to the camp Gorou had setup at Tatarasuna, while Beidou and the Crux Fleet went back to Watatsumi Island with Kokomi.

Upon arriving at Watatsumi Island, Kokomi immediately issued orders to prepare executing plan X. Plan X should've been used if things went south, but Kokomi had no choice, now that both of the key players had disappeared. Moreover, the Fatui they captured had no information about the Fatui Harbringer's whereabouts. So after a few days of long preparation, the day of executing Plan X drew near.

"Sangonomiya-sama, if you need anything, please call us." One of the shrine maidens in the shrine told Kokomi who was about to rest.

"I will." Kokomi gave them a reassuring smile. "Then excuse us." The shrine maidens left her room shortly.

Now that Kokomi was left alone in her room, she threw herself on the soft bed. She tried to distract herself by trying to sleep early, but it was clear that there was something on her mind.

"Hiro..." She muttered. No matter what she did, his face kept showing up on her mind. His smile and his cheerful crimson colored eyes was always overwhelmed by the Hiro she saw on Yashiori Island. It was quite different from when he first came to Watatsumi Island.

His eyes looked dull and lifeless. As if he had already given up on everything. His face was pale and Kokomi could tell that he was in a lot of pain.

I failed to save him... again... Kokomi thought to herself.

She knew full well that she had failed to save him from the incident at the Tsugami Village, and now she couldn't save Hiro in the present, and the guilt from that is crushing her heart.

"Where did I go wrong...?" She rolls to the side and was left surprised at what she saw.

On top of the cabinet beside her bed, there was a letter. She immediately grabbed the letter and checked who sent it. She hoped that it would be from him, and sure enough, it was from Hiro.

"From Hiro...?" She cautiously opened the letter and gasped at the contents of the letter. It wasn't anything complicated, instead, it was actually the opposite.

It was a simple four word letter, but those simple words were enough to make Sangonomiya Kokomi gasp.

Upon reading the letter, Kokomi felt something warm on her cheek and touched it.

"Are these... tears...?" She was genuinely surprised that she was actually crying. Is Hiro actually that important to her? Or is she crying because of her lack of ability to save him? She didn't know. No, it was actually both.

Somewhere in Kokomi's heart, she knew that Hiro is screaming and begging for her help. She knew that Hiro is falling apart. She knew that she's not the only one who can save him, but she knew that she's the one he needed the most. He wouldn't leave a letter to her if it wasn't the case.

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