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"you're like the not gay gay uncle." Mikey said, making Tom stop dancing around the kitchen with lily "What? I'm only messing."
"The fuck has being gay got to do with me dancing around the kitchen with my niece?" He spat, getting strangely defensive over a comment he'd laugh off in the past
"Alright arsey. No need for you to be like that is there?" Mikey grabbed his cup of coffee and left the room, leaving me more confused from my viewing spot on top of the kitchen counter. He carried on dancing with lily right after, seemingly forgetting the interaction had happened. It wasn't a one off either. Over the past month little digs had gotten on his nerve. Mikey being the only person to ever pick at Tom's personality. But I couldn't figure out why it bothered him so much
"Jack's coming over today. Gonna spend the night whilst we have a drink or two."
"You're not gonna get bad again are you?" He looked shocked and turned the music off, walking over to me and making me even more nervous since he said nothing at all until he'd reached the spot in front of me
"It's not gonna get that bad darlin'. Promise. I just wanted to invite a mate round, Yknow, since it's all calmed down after lily arriving. A month old tomorrow." He kissed her head making me smile "Dom's working but if you want I can rearrange for Jack to come over when he's not? That way you'd feel better."
"No. It's alright. Is everyone but you going to the studio?"
"Yeah. You're welcome to bother us any time though."
"I don't wanna bother you. You guys are gonna be drinking."
"Well if you need me then you can come and get me. Even if it's for a cuddle." Lily started fussing so he gently shushed her
"But a cuddle would be bothering you. I don't need-"
"If you come and find me then you need it. Don't worry. I'll be there for anything whilst Dom's gone."
"Better be." I smiled when Dom walked in, addressing his little girl but not attempting to take her away from Tom. That he'd grown used to and lily seemed settled with either. We constantly reiterated the fact that Tom was her uncle but she didn't bother who held her as long as it was one of the three of us. She wasn't quite as acquainted with the others just yet "I'm gonna stay out for the whole night babygirl. It's easier to get it done that way." I nodded "Don't worry. You've got Tom here. And lily's got her sleeping alright. Everything's gonna be okay."
"Answer my calls if I need you."
"I promise I will. Jack's a sound guy too. We spoke and explained the situation. Though he pretty much knew how close you guys were from when Tom stayed at his place."
"Thanks for sorting it."
"I don't mind. I've got a present for you upstairs. It's on our bed."
"What kind of present?" Tom teased with a smirk on his face. Dom smacked him lightly on the back of his head, so as not to disturb lily
"Stop being dirty minded tom." Tom started laughing and lily looked up at him with the most amount of love in her eyes. She always did when he laughed and it was the sweetest thing. Dom paused for a moment to take it in, but stopped staring when he saw Tom had cottoned on. That was something we were working on, but dom was always so cute and shy when it came to his babygirl "Anyway." He began, changing the subject instantly "I'm gonna have to go now sweetheart, I'll see you tomorrow yeah?"
"Bye lovie." He smiled and blew me a kiss, before gently kissing lily's forehead and leaving the room
"You want anything?" Tom asked me, handing lily over. I shook my head and he kissed the top of it "go put the little princess to bed and 8ll be down here waiting for-" the doorbell rang cutting him off mid sentence "Didn't even get to speak of the devil. I'm gonna go let him in." He squatted slightly to be face height to lily "Night princess. Tommy loves ya." He gently stroked her cheek "I'm down here if you want me okay?" The doorbell rang again and I told my eyes chuckling at him
"Go answer the door I'll be fine."
"Tom." I warned. He seemed to take it on board and nodded
"See you in the morning darlin." Hw blew a kiss as he left the room to go and get Jack
"Guess it's me and you tonight baba."

I'd settled her down about an hour ago. She was sleeping peacefully in her cot but I couldn't settle in my own bed. I'd checked the baby monitor was on about five times in the time since I'd got into bed, all of them showing me she was protected but giving me nothing to do. The music downstairs was blaring in my ears even though it wasn't that loud. I'd made sure to tell them to keep it down. In truth I figured I was just unsettled because it was the first night dom was away fully since lily had been born. He did text me good night though to which I responded with a sneaky lie saying I was in bed about to go to sleep. The bed part wasn't a lie but the going to sleep definitely wasn't on the cards. After about five minutes of deliberating (it sounds a short period but for the one experiencing it, it was so long) I decided to go down. They were laughing in the kitchen and the music got louder as I went down. I smiled slightly at the sounds of them laughing and joking and I paused just outside of the kitchen door to decide if I wanted to or not. The laughing had died down when I decided to go in but as soon as I laid eyes on the sight in front of me I realised why, completely freezing to the spot. They were too busy to notice me, until I shouted that is
"What. The. FUCK!" Tom turned to look at me, frantically trying to form words but the only thing I could see was panic
"I'm not gay or anything. I promise you I wasn't using you, I was into you, well not in that way but sexually I was. But then I had time to think and found out...found out I like guys too and...and..."
"He fucking married Tom. He's got a wife and I can't just lie to her about seeing you snogging her husband in our fucking kitchen." He let me yell and seemed to be less panicky when I was done
"So, it's not cus he's a guy?" He looked genuinely scared of the reaction and I knew deep down that it wasn't through his own choice to suppress his feelings it was hers. And I certainly wasn't her in any sense
"No. I don't care what the gender or security is of the person your kissing is. Whether they're gay straight trans non binary. You love who you love tom but it's not right to kiss a married man." Jack was in the corner watching this whole interaction happen. He didn't seem like the kinda person to get involved. But Tom just stood there a little shocked "Tom I fucking love you alright? I don't want you to ever think I'd shame you for your sexuality but-" he took me off guard by picking me up, instantly making me wrap my legs around him on instinct. He realised he'd shocked me and sat me down on the kitchen side. He still wouldn't let go and he just started sobbing into my shoulder, holding me close to him
"I fucking love you. I'm so sorry I didn't tell you about it. I was just so confused, I still am." I let him cry for a bit until he'd stopped full on breaking down. Then he started to explain himself "She knows. They co-parent. Live together but they're seperate. He came out just before I moved in with them." His breathing was uneven so I soothed him gently
"Calm down. Its alright."
"Yeah. I want him to explain though, it's his story."
"You wanna go in the living room?"
"Yeah. But you won't think I'm weird for not coming out sooner right? I promise you weren't an experiment and-"
"It's okay. You gonna let go?" He loosened his grip "Tommy you gotta let go." He nodded, letting go and moving back. He took a few moments between the two but they were sweet as he kissed my forehead gently. I needed that more than anything because it showed he was alright, and so were we
"I'm gonna go in there okay? Jack can you stay with her make sure she's alright?" Jack nodded and I knew I'd be safe with him. Still didn't stop me feeling awkward when he left the room
"So what about the date, when the baby was with Tom?"
"Solicitor meeting. But I told him not to say because it would mean people would ask questions. Me and Tom hooked up a few times before he came to stay with me. Me and my wife weren't together. The baby was a surprise but we make it work." He paused when he noticed I was watching intently as he spoke "Tom said he likes it when you do that. He's right, makes you feel heard." I smiled "I'm gonna do right by Tom yknow? I wouldn't ever hurt him."
"I'm sorry for freaking out. Must've scared you into thinking I'm homophobic or something." He chuckled
"No. Tom was just scared, he doesn't think that either. I was more so thinking you'd get mad at me."
"I know his past. And I know how important he is to you so I figured you'd be a little guarded. I don't take it personal." He shrugged "But he'll be okay with me."
"I promise sweetheart. You, um, need to go talk to Tom. And we'll talk it through with ya. Not like you're a child that needs it or anything but, yknow."
"You're overthinking it man." I hopped down and he chuckled nervously "Cmere" I held my arms out and he hugged me, a little tighter than I expected to be honest but he clearly needed it "Welcome to the family man, were all mad here."

The intention for this chapter was not for it to fall in pride month but actually earlier. This plot line is one I'm interested to explore but if anyone has any suggestions on how to write a proper coming out experience please let me know. Never experienced it and if you wish to help me structure it that would be a great support. Love you all and I hope I executed my ideas well.

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