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Emerald eyes ringed in black look on from above. Hidden from view behind the lush canopy of an ancient oak tree, the melding souls of Lor and Freya watch as they float high above a rabble of squabbling children trying to decide who will be the seeker this time around. They blink in unison, minds intertwined, but still learning about one another even after the passage of five winters. Their summers had been spent watching from afar the joyous smiles from the children of Arrowedge, of how they grew and played.

Which one is she again?

Lor. I thought you could tell the difference by now? Anyway, she is the dark-haired skinny one bossing the rest about.

Ah, yes. I see now. She is their... Leader, yes?

She has a strong will. That, I will say.

Mmm, yes. Yes, she does. She will be like her mother. I can see it.

I hope that is true, Lor. I really do. For her sake and the sake of Antar, if what you say is true.

You still do not believe?

It is... still hard. I believe that you do. And that you, we can see certain things. But... I cannot help but look at her and think of what could have been.

Mmm, I understand, Freya. I think I do. You have sacrificed yourself for the one thing any mother can do, the greatest thing any mother could do. But we watch. And we will continue to watch over her as she grows and flourishes in this world.

She is beautiful, is she not?

She is, Freya. A beautiful girl indeed.

Peels of laughter drift up to where they float, breaking their conversation. The giggling children run around in circles, their shouts and screams bringing a smile to their faces.

I miss her, Lor. Even this close, I just want... I want to hold her, Lor. I want to hold her tight and never let go.

I understand, Freya. But you know you can't—

I know, I know. It is for her safety as much as everyone else. I can feel you, you know? I can feel us merging more and more with every passing day.

Your feelings are... correct. We continue to merge until we are a single mind.

Will I remember?

There will be flickers and memories, but we will exist as a sole being of this world. Not Freya or Lor but something else.

How long before?

That depends on you, Freya. And on how long you will keep guard as yourself.

I... I cannot leave her, not yet.

Very well. But we must take our leave now. We have been here too long, our bodies are still fusing, and we both need to rest. We will come again. Watch again.

Very well.

With a last lingering look from their black-rimmed emerald eyes, the intermingled minds of Freya and Lor blink in unison as they turn away from the children running back and forth, attempting to catch one another, with shouts of laughter filling the village of Arrowedge with the joyous sound.

I will see you soon Meena, my love.

The human-shaped body floats through the canopy of an old oak tree flitting up high out of sight making its way back to the safety of Wryamt Forest. They head south away from the ancient oaks to the north settling near a small grove close to a narrow river.

Betrayal - A BrightStone Saga NovellaWhere stories live. Discover now