Day One

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"That's a wrap, y'all!" The director screamed as everyone cheered.

We had just finished filming the first episode of the new season of our TV show, where I played the lead actress. I was so excited because last season did so well. This was my first TV show and it was nominated for 12 awards last year. My dreams were finally coming true, although I haven't won my Oscar yet.

I have worked so hard to be in the place that I am now. I moved all the way from London to Los Angeles to pursue my dream as an actress.

I went home for the first time in a year, this summer, to see my family. They also got to meet my boyfriend of two years, after only hearing me blab about him all day.

Jonah and I met when I first moved here and have been inseparable ever since. We met three years ago and stayed friends for a year while I situated my career.

He's helped me a lot and we work so well as a team. He also has the most amazing daughter and I love her like she's my own. Her mother doesn't want anything to do with her, so I've helped him raise her since she was 3. I took her to her first day of kindergarten this morning. I cried like a baby because she is my baby.

Her dad couldn't make it because he was having some trouble at work. He was also an actor and was directing his own TV show. I still don't know what is bothering him but he says he's stressed and has too much on his plate. I try to do everything I can to make it easier for him, but I also have my career to think about. I'm trying to win an Oscar, baby!

"Hey, babe," Claire shouted, greeting me on our first day of filming the new season. Claire is my best friend and also plays my best friend in our show.

"Hey, Claire. I'm so drained, but I know in the end it'll all be worth it," I explained, hugging my best friend. We were starting a new season, a new chapter. This would bring new opportunities and new people to call family.

"You want to get some drinks with the boys and me?" she asked, in her persuasive voice. She had a way of convincing me to do anything. We also worked with William, Mateo, and Zeke. They are the best and funniest guys to be around. I just love my castmates.

"Sure, just let me ask Ms. Donna if she wants to keep Kacey and little longer," I replied. Ms.Dona is Jonah's mom. She is a very nice lady but the air was always tense when she is around me. She picked Kacey up from kindergarten today so that Jonah and I didn't have to worry about who would leave work.

"Ok, I'm going to ask Marley if she wants to join us." Marley was also a part of the cast. She, Hannah, and I were like sisters since all my family was back in London. They have really made it feel like home because we women have to stick together. Marley is the most beautiful being ever. I am so jealous of how gorgeous she is and don't get me started on that body.

I love my girls.

Hey, Ms. Donna. Do you mind keeping Kacey a little longer tonight? They're having a little celebration.

Not at all, baby. I'll get washed her up and fed and she'll be ready for bed by the time you get here.

Thank you😘

"I'm ready, y'all. Let's go!" I was the designated driver, as always. I never got too drunk because I don't like the feeling. I also have Kacey to go home to.

We went to dinner and got a few drinks. We spent the night celebrating and afterward, I took the girls home while the guys got Ubers. I was just in time to get Kacey before it was time to get her to bed.



"Cmon, Kacey Bear. You're getting so heavy," Leah said, as she carried Kacey from the car to their Condo. She unlocked the door and was surprised to see Jonah leaning against the island, next to a half-drunken bottle of Whiskey.

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