The day.

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I wake up my pereperal visions smaller course of the missing eye but I get used to it pretty quick now for breakfast I go downstairs  shit my dad's awake I hear my dad screaming yelling at what I have done but I don't care I feel powerful I realize something I start reaching for the milk and think about the vines grabbing the bottle for me I feel a sharp paint in my wrist but I see vines doing exactly what I wanted they're spiky so it hurts when they come out of my arm but I found a power a power that made me unique I'm finaly something someone I carry on with my day eating breakfast while my father shouts at me J go back to my room and just play around with the new power I have found I grab things from the top of the shelf the wounds on my hands don't heal imedeataly but way quicker then a normal one wloud I try making vines from my back no fuckin way it worked what the fuck i say to myself you're perfect show them that they were wrong the voice says it's here again I wrap my hands with bandages and go to sleep.

Mantodea (creepypasta)Where stories live. Discover now