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Nobody's POV
9:35 AM

Nicki woke up and looked around not recognizing her surroundings. She looked around the room and saw a few pictures of her and some other people that she didn't know. She quickly got up, forgetting about her broken leg, and rushed downstairs.

Nicki passed Beyoncé who was in the kitchen and headed towards the front door.

"Hey- Babe?" Beyoncé called out putting her coffee cup down and rushing to the door.

"Leave me alone. I don't know you." Nicki said as she struggled to open the door.

"Listen." Beyoncé said touching her arm but she flinched and pulled her arm away. She never looked at Beyoncé, scared that Beyoncé might be scary looking.

"Open the door so I can leave please." She pleaded and Beyoncé sighed.


"How do you know my name?" She said turning to look at Bey. Nicki's breath got caught in her throat. The woman standing in front of her was breathtaking.

"I'm your wife. We have been married for eighteen years but we've known each other since middle school. A few days ago you got into a car accident and it caused you not to remember some things. We have three daughters, Celeste, Blue, and Zaé but they are sleeping."

"Oh I'm- I'm sorry I didn't know. What happened to my leg?" She said looking down at her leg.

"Yeah, see you are not supposed to be standing on it." Beyoncé said walking to pick Nicki up but she flinched again.

"It's okay, I won't hurt you. I promise." Beyoncé said and Nicki smiled as she picked her up.

"So wife?" Beyoncé chuckled.

"Yes, baby?"

"What's your name because I can't keep calling you wife." She sat Nicki on the couch and sat next to her.

"My name is Beyoncé."

"Beyoncé. Can I just call you Bey or BB in case I forget?"

"You can call me whatever you want to call me." Nicki smiled and Zaé came downstairs.

"Good morning mommy and momma." Nicki stared at Zaé.

"Morning baby. That's Zaé, our youngest daughter." Zaé sat next to Beyoncé.

"Does momma not remember me again?"

"I'm afraid not baby." Zaé pouted as tears clouded her eyes.

"Aww, don't cry. I'll try my best to remember you."

"Okay." Next Celeste came downstairs with Blue at her side.

"That's Celeste and Blue. Blue is our middle child and Celeste is the oldest."

"Hi, I'm Nicki- oh wait they know that already." She chuckled and face palmed herself.


"How come we live in this big house?" Nicki asked Beyoncé as they laid in bed together.

"We-" Nicki cut her off.

"Don't tell me we sell drugs?!" Beyoncé chuckled.

"No, we make music. I sing and you rap."

"We do? I wanna hear."

"Okay, I'm going to play a song we did together." Beyoncé grabbed her phone and played "Flawless".

"I wake up looking this good
(God damn, God damn, God damn)
And I wouldn't change it if I could
(If I if I, if I, if I)
And you can say what you want, I'm the shit
(What you want I'm the shit, I'm the shit)
I'm the shit, I'm the shit, I'm the shit
I want everyone to feel like this tonight
God damn, God damn, God damn!


"Is that where I come in?" Nicki asked and Bey nodded.

"Looking Trinidadian, Japanese and Indian
Got Malaysian, got that yaki, that wavy Brazilian
(Them bitches thirsty) Uhn! (I'm Hungarian)
(Nicki, B, be eating diamond fangs, barbarian, raaaah!)
Yo, like MJ doctor, they killing me -
Propofol, I know they hope I fall." Nicki gasped.

"What made me say that?" She said in shock.

"That was the only thing you could find that rhymed and you wanted to change it but I told you to keep it."

"Oh my goodness." Nicki chuckled. After the song was over Nicki clapped.

"We sounded sooo good." She smiled.

"Yup we did."

"Oh, can I get some water please?"

"Sure, Nic you know this is your house too you don't have to ask."

"Oh yeah right." She said and began to get up out of the bed.

"I can get it for you if you want."

"No, I got it." She grabbed her crutches and headed downstairs into the kitchen. Once Nicki went downstairs Beyoncé went to go and use the bathroom.

Beyoncé's POV

I just came out of the bathroom expecting to see Nicki but she wasn't in the bed. What was taking her so long? Just as I was about to leave my room to go check on her I heard a glass shatter causing me to jump.

"Girls?!" No response.

"Nic?!" Still no response. I left my room and rushed downstairs. I walked into the kitchen and saw Nicki on the floor having a seizure.

"Fuck! Baby." I quickly flipped her on her side so she wouldn't choke on the foam that was leaving her mouth.

"Celeste!" I yelled out for my daughter hoping she would come fast enough.

"Nicki stay with me." I looked at the time and it's been about forty-five seconds since she started having the seizure.


"Yes! I'm right- oh my god momma."

"Call 9-1-1 right now." She grabbed the house phone and dialed 9-1-1.

Nobody's POV

"9-1-1 what's your emergency-"

"My mom is having a seizure."

"Are you alone with her?" The operator asked her.

"No my other mother is here."

"Okay, is she on her side?"

"Yes- just hurry up and get here, please. The address is 6010 Woodsprings drive."

"The ambulance will be there soon." Celeste hung up the phone and sat on the floor next to her mother.

"Momma please." She cried as her mother was still shaking. Soon the ambulance arrived and they injected Nicki with a medicine to make her stop seizing.

"Call mama T and have her come over." Beyoncé said getting in the back of the truck.

"Okay, I love you."

"I love you too."


•Excuse any typos 👩🏽‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏽

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