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A week had passed since Richard's speech and preparations for the ball were in full swing. Richard had decided on renting the ballroom at the Archfield hotel so as not to disturb the patients.

Izzie, April, Teddy, Arizona and Callie had agreed to help decorate and somehow dragged me, Cristina, Jackson, Jaz and Amelia along to help them.

The theme was white and black. So Izzie had ordered in white and black balloons, streamers, napkins, tablecloths and even white and black invitations.

We all gathered outside the archfield at 10am on a tuesday morning. It was winter so it was cold out and we were all shivering. Izzie finally arrived and we flooded inside the hotel doors, basking in the heat of the lobby.

Izzie led the rest of the group off towards the ballroom but I waited behind taking advantage of the warmth.

“Hey are you coming” Jaz asked as she peaked her head around the corner.

“Ya two seconds I'm just getting warm” I replied looking around and taking in the serenity of the lobby.

“Okay don't be too long or dumb and dumber might lose their shit” she laughed as she walked away.

I took a couple of deep breathes looking around once more. I noticed a red headed woman getting on the elevator. She looked familiar. Like addison.

“Addison?” I called 

The redhead ignored me so I decided to go join my friends. Maybe this ball is getting to my head. Maybe I'm seeing things.

“Hey, Madonna!” Jaz called “get over here and help me with these streamers before pinky pie kills me” 

Jaz had started calling me Madonna because i'm a tiny bit dramatic and when I found a spider in the sink I jumped onto the island and grabbed a wooden spoon ready to start world war three with a spider.

“Alright mcluckycharms” I retorted sticking out my tongue at her.

“Hey!” she exclaimed “I'm not lucky you know. Thats just a stereotype” 

“I know but your reaction everytime I say it is hilarious” I said as I help her stick the streamers up.

“I think it's a cute nickname” Izzie chirped as she suddenly appeared behind us. I jumped and dropped the streamer while Jaz and Cristina just started laughing at me.

“Hahah Madonna” they both said at the same time.


“Double jinx” Cristina shouted 

“Alright babe calm down or the whole hotel will hear you” Teddy said as she gave Cristina a peck on the cheek

Me and Jaz made kissing noises and pulled faces until cristina threw streamers at us. We quickly returned fire and soon the whole ballroom was a warzone with Izzie and April standing in the middle trying to calm us down 

“GUYS!!!” April shouted but we kept throwing steamers an eventually started hitting blown up balloons at each other. Until Callie threw a balloon and it hit Izzie square in the face.

“ENOUGH!!” she roared popping the balloon. Jaz started laughing uncontrollably and I had to elbow her in the ribs to shut her up. “Ow” she mumbled as she rubbed her ribs “sorry” I whispered giving her an apologetic smile.

“I think it's time for a coffee and cake break” Jaz announced 

“I agree” we all say in unison barring April and Izzie who had a pissy look on their faces and their arms crossed. Jaz and I took everyones order and headed to the nearest coffee shop.

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