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"Madonna! Do you have a curler?" Jaz shouted from her room across the hall. We were getting ready for the ball and all of our friends were at my house getting ready.

"Yeah, two seconds I'm using it!" I shouted back as I tied a strand of hair from either side of my head together with a hair tie. "Okay i'm done" I shouted again and I heard Jaz running across the hall and a thump as she hit the ground.

"I'm okay!" she said as she got up again. Jaz was wearing a black suit with a white shirt and black and white converse high tops.

She was curling her hair and putting it into a messy bun and she had six or seven rings on her fingers with a pair of dangly earrings she also had her lucky horse hair bracelet that she made out of her favourite horse's mane tied securely around her wrist.

I on the other hand was wearing my favourite black dress with my favourite black and white converse. My converse were low cut unlike Jaz's and they could be easily hidden under my long dress. I had chosen my favourite diamond earrings and the bracelet with the infinity charm that Jaz had gotten me for my birthday.

The bracelet wasn't one of those tacky ones that break easily it was proper metal. It went with my outfit really well and I had been saving it for a special occasion just like this one.

When Jaz gave it to me she told me it meant we would be friends forever and I like the idea of that.

When me and Jaz had our hair done and our dress and suit on we went out to the sitting room to get ready the rest of the way with the others.

"Jaz come here and i'll do your makeup and mer Arizona will do yours" Lexie said once we entered the room.

"I don't relly wear makeup" Jaz said with a shrug "thank you though"

"Okay, Izzie come here" Lexie smiled and Jaz went to fetch a can of coke.

Once everyone had there dresses, makeup and masks on we took a couple of photos and got into our cars.

My head started to feel sore and my vision blurred. I felt my breathing get heavier and my dress felt like it was tightening around me making it harder to breathe.

"Mer it's not going to be him. Richard wouldn't do that to you" Cristina said as she placed a hand on my shoulder.

"I'm scared Cristina, what if he hits me again?" I mumbled as I opened the window of the car.

"Mer, if he hits you again his life won't be worth living" Amelia said as she looked at me through the rear view mirror. She looked mad at him, I wouldn't blame her he treated her like crap when she was struggling with addiction.

"You guys are the best sisters I could of asked for" I said to Jaz Cristina and Amelia "Maggie and Lexie are too but their not in the car so i'll tell them later"

Everyone started to laugh and soon the mood lightened. On the journey there we talked about crushes,girlfriends, boyfriends and really anything else we could think of.

Once we arrived we put on our masks (not facemasks;) and headed inside. The ballroom was decorated beautifully and there was soft music playing in the background. everyone was talking and I looked around to try find Alex , Richard or tequila.

I couldn't find the first two but I found the third one waiting for me at one of the tables we had laid out for drinks. I quickly downed the shot and then another and another.

"Take it easy there, we don't want you puking all over the place" a familiar voice said with a laugh.

I turned to look at her and I couldnt believe my eyes. After ten whole years it was her standing in front of me in a navy blue dress with a split down the leg, her red hair curled to perfection and a navy mask covering her perfect face.

Was I seeing things?

I quickly pinched my arm to make sure she was real "ow" I said "ow" I pinched my arm again to make sure I wasn't t lying to myself the first time "ow" I pinched my arm one more time to make triple sure.

"Mer stop you'll hurt yourself" addison said as she grabbed my arm

"I thought I was dreaming" I said still stunned from the heavenly sight in front of me.

"You mean having a nightmare" addison said with a small chuckle

"Nope I meant dreaming" I laughed taking yet nother shot of tequila "you weren't with a labouring mom when I called I heard someone laughing in the background, you lied to me"

"I'm sorry about that mer I was in Richards office and he didn't want anyone to know I was in Seattle especially not you, so I had to make up an excuse and then amelia started laughing" addison explained her eyes looked sad I could tell she didn't want to lie to me.

"Why was amelia laughing?" I asked

"She thought when you found out you would be happy, which is crazy because you don't even like me" I spotted Jaz, Amelia and Cristina behind her giving me a thumbs up

"Yourightidontlikeyouiloveyou" I blurted out and immediately covered my mouth with my hand. Her jaw dropped and I could see Jaz facepalming behind her.

Without thinking I turned around and ran outside I needed air I couldn't breathe. I could feel the tequila churning in my stomach as I ran and when I got outside I threw up all over the sidewalk.

I felt someone rubbing soothing circles on my back and a tissue appeared beside my face "nice going in their Madonna " Jaz said with a chuckle.

"Shut up, don't remind me" I groaned

"Do you know what you need?"


"A wingman" she said "I'll be your wingman, seen as my girlfriend couldn't make it and I have nothing better to be doing"

"Okay thank you Jaz your a good friend"

We went back inside and I couldn't see addison anywhere so me and Jaz sat down at a table and started talking. Pretty soon I needed to go to the bathroom so I told Jaz to go have fun and left.

"Stupid mer your stupid,stupid stupid" I said to myself as I looked at my reflection in the mirror.

A tall figure walked out of one of the bathrooms stalls, her heels clicking on the bathroom floor and her red hair bouncing as she walked.

At that moment I wanted nothing more than for the ground to swallow me whole. "You shouldn't be so hard on yourself you know" she said as she stood behind me leaning her head over my shoulder to fix her lipstick.

I wanted to lift her onto the counter and fuck her until she couldn't walk but I was frozen, stuck to the spot. She was the only person that could ever make me this nervous. My mouth water as I watched her apply her lipstick and she noticed.

"You're cute when you're nervous" she whispered in my ear and with that she gave me a kiss on the cheek and left. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest and my core heat up.

She was driving me crazy and she knew it.

The Masquerade Ball Where stories live. Discover now