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s/c = skin color
e/c = eye color
y/n = your name

The faint sound of babies crying could be heard echoing across the entire secluded room. Millions of glowing orbs of light could be seen floating in mid air, the synchronized cries coming from them. These orbs of light were souls. Deceased people would reincarnate into these orbs to restart their life, from start to finish. Now, the way they reincarnated differed from soul to soul.

Angels in Haven, humans on earth, and demons in the underworld. Similar to most beliefs, a good and bad existed, the universe picking out who goes where.
The souls that became angels would be changed in appearance but remain with their past life memories.
Angels could learn and heal and later move onto guarding humans on earth as their final task in life. It felt like a vocation.

But some souls would be sent back to earth to live yet another life, completely forgetting their past life as soon as they take their first breath in a new body. Some humans managed to regain this information, although it requires a lot of effort and energy which most are unwilling or unaware to commit to.

Now, demons. Their punishment was to forever forget their past lives and start all over in a hierarchy of dangerous and deranged creatures, not a hint of humanity left in them. The underworld was a bit more complicated compared to other worlds though, these souls being separated into categories known as "sins" and it was the usual for demons to look for newly deceased souls, taking them and raising them as their own. The same system worked in haven, however they weren't separated into a concept of "who sucks and whos better."

As expected, an ongoing tension between angels and demons existed, demons deeming their punishment unfair. Memories of their past life and person completely gone, impossible to get back. While angels were given another chance, how ridiculous?!

The red skinned demon sighed, looking from soul-to-soul and seeing the same sight as always.

Wrath, wrath, lust, greed, greed, greed-

All the same sins and colors, are humans not original anymore?
He walked past each row, passing other younger demons looking for a new soul as well. He doesn't understand why he tries anymore, all past attempts at raising a young demon had gone to shit. Either becoming utter disappointments or turning against him, both resulted in him killing them.

He frowned at the idea of this attempt failing too. What is he doing wrong? Why can't they be good enough?
Sure he had high expectations, but what else could you expect? This kid would be next up to take his position as ruler of Firfot in the underworld and they would be his child. Everyone else should be envious!

Still searching, he finally snapped out of his thoughts when his eye landed on an unusually bright, white orb. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion, a white soul? But that's...impossible unless...

Upon closer inspection, the orb had its hints of light pink as the lights danced in the sphere. He slowly brought up one clawed hand to touch it...


Warmth radiated off the orb onto his finger which was only a few centimeters away. The feeling was oddly calming, he knew he had to claim this soul as his own.
Looking around the room, the white ball of light contrasted against the many grey, dark green, dark red, and black orbs, he wondered why a demon hadn't came by earlier to snatch this one right up.

It was perfect, their soul was perfect for his corruption.

He smirked a bit, carefully taking the orb and holding it close to his chest. Scars littered his rough, red skin, many deep claw marks close to his heart. However none being close to killing him, he wasn't stupid whenever it came to the battlefield.

Closing his eyes, he slowly pushed the orb closer as it sunk into his skin. He winced as he felt his heart burn as if it were in flames and waves of pain went across his body, but he had to concentrate. He tightly shut his eyes and pictured the orb becoming one with him, an eternal connection till death does them apart. A familial bond.

Then the pain stopped.

A weight slowly made its way onto his muscular arms. He released a breath he wasn't aware he was holding during the process and opened his bright green eye.
In his arms, lay a small infant with s/c skin, e/c eyes, and a small childish smile. Last but not least, small, black horns identical to his that started at the sides of her head. His daughter.

Feeling satisfied, he walked out of the gated off building while carrying the infant. Four guards waiting outside, immediately stood straight with their claws out, ready to kill any demon who attempted to attack their king and...child?

"At—Lord Atuun, I thought we just came to look...?" One of the younger guards said and stared curiously at the child, tilting his head.

Atuun started heading towards his palace, his guards not too far from him. He felt a spark of hope with this one, maybe he'll actually get to avoid getting her in trouble.

"I changed my mind."

WOO first fan fiction and yandere story! I'm so excited to introduce this idea and would love to hear everyone's opinions, I'll read every comment once I get some 😩

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