CHAPTER 9. It Begins

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(f/f = favorite food
f/c = favorite color)


"Hmm, tell me about her then."

The younger demon scowled, why would this guy be interested in his sister? She's been isolated for years, nothing is interesting about that. Annoyed he was, part of it was because of, well, her. A small part of him felt jealous, his closest friend becoming interested in someone who no one should even bat an eye at.

"I don't know what to tell you," He says, shrugging his shoulders. "I don't know about her interests, she just reads and shit. Now she's been going out with Atuun's servant or whatever often."

While Seth often stayed in his own room or was out with other demons, he never saw Y/N around anymore. His hall was much more silent, Atuun and Xena visited much less often. It was relieving but...unusual

Enibil looks at him curiously, narrowing his eyes. It was obvious Seth was talking about Atticus. Yet...he didn't know this was a common occurrence. "What do you mean, going out?" he asks.

Seth leans back and rolls his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest. "I mean, she's really taking this 'liberty' thing seriously. Never at the palace anymore and hanging out with the Attisus guy. At least, I don't have her around anymore," Seth looks him straight in the eye, "if you knew her, you would know why I always complain about her."

"Because she's getting the throne before you do?"

"No! Because she's annoying!"

"That doesn't sound so bad," Enibil hums and drummed his nails against the leather chair  "Maybe you just don't understand her, unlike me."

Seth shakes his head vehemently and snickers, "No way," he says adamantly. "I know what I'm talking about. Plus, you've only known her for less than a day, dumbass."

Enibil huffs, the boy was right. However, he knew he could be better company than Atticus. Yeah, they were friends but...that girl was far too intriguing. He couldn't help but feel a fit of jealousy rising when Atticus and Y/N acted like they were so close. It was like a mockery to him, he was better and the girl just chose to ignore it. Sure, it's only been a day..or a couple of hours but first impressions matter, right? If she managed to pique his interest in less than an hour, then he can too.

"That's more than enough..." Enibil muttered, causing Seth to bitterly smirk a little.

"You like her, don't you?"

"Oh, Seth, I love her."

"Gross!" Seth grimaced, throwing an empty, glass cup at the blue demon who snickers to himself, successfully catching the delicate object.

"You know, as my dearest friend and my love's brother-" Seth sends him a look, Enibil sends him a smirk "As someone close to her, help me this once and tell me what she enjoys or what I could do for her."

Seth looks at him weirdly, honestly a bit taken aback. He then leans back in his seat to think for a moment. He hums to himself as he places a finger on his chin. "She likes f/f like, a lot. It's the only thing she requests from dad...and I guess she likes f/c? She wears a shit ton of f/c. It's really ugl-"

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