Chappter 1

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There once was a boy named Logan he was a freshman at a school named Internacional Study Learning Center.He is in class 3b it is almost summer vacation and he was invited to come to China. He was very excited to go. There were twenty people going as well.When he got there  he went to his hotel. They gave him the first day off so he could go out and exploer. So he went out wondring around the city of Hong Kong. He was walking around and saw a fortune teller shop he went inside to try it out. When he went inside and asked for his fotune she said ok and layed out twenty cards she said pick three and he did she gave him the cards he looked at the cards and he showed her the cards he picked she told him that the cards say that you will go throgh hard ships,and good ships, that he will have pepole that want to kill him, he will make friends,and at the end he will do some thing to change the world. When he heard what she said he said what do you mean. She said i can not say i can only tell you what the cards say. Logan left the shop and was walking to the hotel when he saw a girl walking by when they were right next to each other she said that your going to die if you dont remeber and she kept walking. Logan stoped and turned around to ask her what she ment but when he did she was gone. Logan got a major headache he was trying to remember what happened to him. Seven years ago Logan woke up in the hospital he did not know who he was or were he was but when he looked to his right he saw a girl holding his hand she was sleeping. and he poked her arm she slowly opened her eyes but when she saw Logans face she woke fully and said Logan your finally awake! Logan was wondering who this girl was and how does she know him. Logan asked who the girl was and she said it's me your older sister Jean but Logan didn't remember who she was. Logan said im sorry but don't remember you. Jean said its ok you will in time. Logan asked why he was here and Jean said you were in a car accident. Logan was shocked to hear that and then Jean said that you lost your memory in the accident but in time you will regain your memory. Logan was relieved that he would get his memory back in time. Logan asked where there parents were and Jean said that they are exploring the world and wont be back for a long time but don't worry I will take care of you and from that day on he started living with his sister. Back at the hotel Logan was on his bed wondering what she met by remember or you will die and who was that girl. Logan was out on the terrece when all of a sudden there was a flash of red light was coming to him Logan was wondering what was coming to him then he released what was going on the ran outside when the light hit it blew the entire room away when Logan ran to go check on the damage and he saw a arm band when he to go to pick it up the arm band jumped and attached itself to him and it gave him a vision in the vision he saw when he was born Logan was saying what is this? The vision showed a woman holding him he thought is that my mother but before he could look any further the vision stopped.Logan started poking the arm band and then he saw a picture of him and his parents. Logan said what is this? Logan was very confused what was on going on? Logan was freaked out about what just happened he was about to check it out more but before he could every one in his school was at his door asking what happened but Logan didn't know. Logan left the room he was scared on what was going on he didn't know what to do when the police came to ask him what happened he said he didn't know he didn't tell them about the vision he had because he thought they would think he was crazy. When Logan went back to the hotel the hotel manger gave him a new room when Logan got to his new hotel room he started messing with the arm band and then all of a sudden he heard a ringing sound Logan was wondering were it was coming from he looked everywhere then he thought maybe it was coming from his arm band he found a button when he clicked the button he got a hologram of a to people Logan asked who are you and they said your parents and Logan asked how is this possible and they said they were Mages and Logan said that impossible and they said it's true and we will show you and Logan said ok show me then all of a sudden Logan felt someone grab his arm and when he turned around he saw the people from the hologram and Logan said this is impossible and then they asked him does he like there present they gave him and Logan said you shot this at me and they said yes and sorry for blowing up your room we just wanted to congratulate you on going to China so we set you that arm band it can help you regain your memories in time and it you how to use your powers then Logan said i have powers to and they said yes in time you will learn how to master your powers. Logan said ok how do i use my power and how come Jean can't do it and they said that it skip her and gave it to you and what kind do you want to learn first and Logan. said summoning first and then they showed him how to summon monster's and other beings from another world and when Logan tried it and summoned a girl she looked like the same age as him and when Logan asked for her name she said it was Saber and Logan was shocked that ge gad this power and then he asked what kind of power do you have and she said I am a wild card and that this is now a packed and she gave him a cared and said if you ever need me call my name and then she went into the cared and when he went to ask his so called parents about it no one was there.

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