Chapter 3

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Logan wasn't sure what he was capable of so he asked one of his classmates Jason and he said didn't you get your ranking and Logan said no what are the rankings and Jason said that they are how they tell what you power is there are four ranks A and B is the strongest. C is not as strong and D is low power. Logan was surprised at it. He went up to Mr.Smith and asked if he see what he power was Mr.Smith said ok and then they walked to a room and Mr. Smith said for him to place his hand on the stand and when he did he felt something get sucked out of him Logan asked what is this and Mr. Smith said that it takes out your power and then pushes back into you and adds more to that power or manna and the more manna you take the higher spells you can cast and summon beings from other words or dimensions. Logan arm started to get hot it felt like someone setting it on fire.He was in much pain He was about to pass out but then it stopped and Logan feel but before he could hit the floor Jason caught him. Mr.Smith was surprised how high it was and said i has increased sense last they measured. Logan fainted and before he could hit the ground Jason caught him Jason put Logan over his shoulder and carried Logan back to his room. While Logan was asleep he was dreaming of hos past he saw his first time using magic he did a summoning spell and the person he summoned was Saber but when she was younger then Logan woke up and then he summoned Saber and he asked her why didn't tell me that I summoned you before and she said because you didn't need to know. Logan was mad at Saber he didn't understand why she didn't tell him sooner what Logan didn't know was that Logan and Saber kissed before when he was yonger and that Saber was in love with him.She wanted him to find out on his own so thats why she didn't tell him that they knew each other before she didn't want him to get hurt again. Before Logan could say anything else Mr.Smith came in and said somethings happening Logan said what is it and Mr.Smith said where being attacked Logan ran out side and he saw a group attacking with magic Logan asked Mr.Smith what there doing here Mr.Smith said that they are demons here to kill us Logan was shocked at how they use there magic Saber ran towards them and said come holey sword and then she grabed her sword from her side and it started glowing and she slashed one of them in half and then she started attacking more the teachers unleashed there Simmons and they all atccked the demons the demons saw how there nummbers where falling and went back to the underworld Mr.Smith said that they need to increase the barriers strength Logan knew that this was not over they will be back next time with stronger and more demons Logan asked Saber to show him swordsmenshup and she agreed the next day Logan was hard at work Saber showed him how to doge a attack Saber showed him hand to hand combat by the time the day was over Logan couldn't move and as when he got to his room he fell asleep Saber did a walk around the school and as she went to the roof she saw how beautiful the night sky was and she thought about the lats time she saw a sky as beautiful this and she remembered the last night she saw a sky as beautiful as this was with Logan when they where kids Saber also remembered when Logan had his car crash.

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