Intermediate Act 2 Part 2

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Time is an odd thing ...
Riddled with confusion and inconsistencies...
Sometimes though... sometimes are forever in a minute. Mornings were like that at the manor.

This morning was special though ... unlike all the others she isn't gone when he wakes up... she's there home. He still gets to hold her just a little longer just to make sure her being home is real... He tries to stay as still as possible knowing she's still asleep. Sometimes when it comes to Iyra and Jinx specifically people believe he's gone soft. Sometimes when he's alone when he wakes up first watching the sunlight hit her hair.. Sometimes Silco admits it to himself. Everything he does is for Iyra as well as for Jinx. Silco just smirks... it's funny when she was away he noticed exactly.... How much of Iyra. Jinx had adopted his favorite was how Jinx just emulated Iyra's "Fuck shit up." Smirk.  His least favorite was the fact their daughter knew exactly how to test him.
2 years... 2 years too long.

"What are you smirking about?" It's half awake Iyra with an amused and scratchy tone.

"I thought that was rather obvious?" Silco just chuckles..

"Flatterer." Iyra just chuckles.

"You deserve flattery all of it... I really did miss you." Silco just hummed...

"And I you... It's odd I try to look like heartless bitch.. turns out even I end up missing trivial things ... like calling you a softie first thing in the morning ... that one time of day before you sell hard drugs and commit a murder or two by lunch." Iyra chuckles.

"Allegedly..." Silco smirked..

" You don't have a Prince waiting for you back in Illvantha now right?" Silco half joked although Iyra sees through it .. he knows she does.

"Why would I waste my time on a Prince? When I have a King back home."Iyra reassured him.

He studies the years that mark her skin.
"In case you don't get reminders. Your perfect Iyra. I mean that fully. Two years away makes a person realize just how lucky they are. I've had thrived bring me things they stole... masterpieces... but they only call them that ,because they haven't Seen you yet. I'm glad they haven't...any self respecting criminal keeps the best stuff to themselves." Silco stated

"We should probably get up make sure Jinx eats .."
Iyra chuckled..

Jinx didn't think she'd be caught sneaking chocolate before breakfast...
"Candy isn't breakfast Little Blue..." Iyra chuckled causing Jinx to freeze mouth open chewing the chocolate before swallowing it down as best she could and then sticking her tongue out..
"Kill joy!" Jinx pouted
"See what I've been dealing with?" Silco just raised an eyebrow.

"Brilliant Chaos?" Iyra chuckled ...

"Sure." Silco shrugged.

"Jinx, do keep we aren't scolding you for breaking the rules... everyone does anyone who says they don't is a liar... However if you must, break the rules .... At least don't get caught doing it." Iyra explained

"Heyy!! I try not too!" Jinx chuckled..

"Good try harder." Silco teased.

Time had changed in some ways Veronica got married to a lovely woman from Piltover believe it or not. (Her wife is quiet sweet she used to live in the under-city running a little shop right where the abandoned district ended and the Lanes proper started.)  Veronicas Wife is named Futura Ferros a gifted supplier of magical goods, hex-tech crystals and ,odds and ends. Something that became a necessity topside once Hex tech became popular.
  Futura Ferro is the beloved sister we of Albus Ferros the leader of the Ferros Family.
Peyton's schedule alternates between monitoring the house/ bring in Zaun vs being in Illavantha.
Something Peyton could do now with the new government is in place.

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